Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year friends

Happy New Year friends.
It has been a good week.
Mom asked if it was cold. Yes it is pretty cold. Especially with the rain we've been getting.
Yesterday, we went to our 2nd follow up training meeting in Vista with all the other new missionaries and trainers. I love going to these meetings to discuss the progress of our companions and how much they are growing in the gospel. It made me so happy to hear that these trainers are going through the same struggles that I am! I'm not alone. Our incredible mission president and his wife, testified of our importance in the conversion of our companions. We are making a huge difference not only in their vision of missionary work, but in their own lives! They testified of the Savior's love for each of us. This really is the Lord's work and we are His children! No matter how lonely we may feel, we are not alone! The Savior is always there, right by our side, helping us along! Like President Thomas always says, “That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do—not that the nature of the thing is changed, but that our power to do is increased.”
Sorry this was extremely short... we are going rollerskating with the district! (:
I'm pretty sure I annoy Sister Fogg...look at her face in every pic.
"Chillin by the fire, while we eatin fondue"...we had chinese food w/ the Bertoch's for New Years Eve.
Sister Alexis Skabelund

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