i told sister fogg, "if i wasn't a mormon, i would be a straight up hippie." its true. I love nature. i love trees. i love the ocean breeze. i love the beach. i love oregon. i love green. i love rain. i love snow. i think you get the point. Thanks to Sister Skabelund, there is a storm across the u.s. and Murrieta, California has got the most rain it has ever had in YEARS! its even flooding here! in fact, even sister fogg and I biked through basically a river... a canal in the road and got soaking wet. "HAHAH!! THAT WAS FUN!!!!" i said with a huge grin on my face. the sky is struggling so hard to snow. its almost there!! not quite, we have actually been having nice sunny days here. i love California! right after I bore my testimony about *most likely* getting transferred at the end of the month, our dinner calendar FILLED. I hope the members won't forgot me. I will definitely miss them. being here for 6 months, i've grown soo close to them all. i truly love them.
We have been struggling for awhile without any investigators, or even less-actives to teach. A few days ago, i felt like just falling down to the ground and giving up for the day. my body was screaming "rest" and my spirit was begging me to keep moving. Sometimes i get discouraged as Satan tells me, "You've been here for 1/3 of your mission, and haven't baptized anyone! You are a failure!" But then I am reminded of our purpose as missionaries, to "invite others to come unto christ." I know that I have seen so many miracles here in Murrieta that I will never forget. There have been so many people that have influenced me and strengthened my own testimony. I know that in order to help convert others, we need to be converted ourselves. "You cannot convert anyone beyond your own conversion." We must read from the Book of Mormon every single day. Don't miss a single day to any excuse! I know that if you do this, you will slowly become more and more converted to the Lord.
We had zone conference this week and we practiced teaching the restoration in four minutes. I did a role-play with Sister Richie and two elders and I was overcome with the spirit as I recited Joseph Smith's First Vision. Every time I recite his words, the spirit testifies to me of the truth. Being a missionary has literally given me a testimony of truth as I teach other. Often times i feel as if i am the investigator, and the spirit is my missionary. John 15:4-5 says, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." We must be grafted to the vine, to our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that constant prayer and scripture study can help you do this! Our ward mission leader has come up with four ways that we can become converted and see the miracles of missionary work. I would like each of you to participate with us.
1) Pray for desire
2) Seek the companionship of the spirit
3) Repent every day
4) Pray for promptings
Love you guys!
here is me, just dancing as always...with a disturbed companion.

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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