GOOD NEWS: we picked up a new investigator, Elizabeth! We had to set four appointments to go on splits with the high we were kinda freaking out since we had 0 investigators. Thankfully we listened to the spirit and found Elizabeth. It was a great lesson and she committed to pray, read the BOM, and attend church! I'm so excited to teach her and hope that she comes to know that there is a God, a Heavenly Father who loves her.
Soo....I may be leaving Murrieta next week. okay, I pretty much know that I am because I have been here for six months! I've been getting pictures with everyone and saying goodbyes. I'm going to miss these people so much. They are my FAMILY! I know that I was sent to Murrieta for a reason, and it was to put these people in my life. Whenever I'm feeling homesick, discouraged, or upset, I know that I can just go hit up any family in this ward and they will make me feel so much better. We have been doing scripture study almost every single night with the Wrights. They are an active family but wanted to be 100% committed to reading every night, so were are helping them. We have seen so much progress in their family, along with many miracles! Their conversion to the Lord is getting stronger and stronger! They invited 3 nonmembers to church and one of them came! I'm so proud of them! I love that family. We've been having so much fun every night, studying and playing scripture charades. I did a charade with all the kids following behind me. I was Noah and they were all animals. haha. It was pretty funny.
I love the gospel. Don't forget it!
Have a great week!

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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