We had an awesome Christmas! Thank you to all of those who sent us gifts and Christmas cards! I loved it! I'm so grateful that I was able to skype my family. Most of the time we were just sticking our nostrils in the camera and making weird faces, but hey, that's my family for ya. We had fun laughing together. I miss them! This week we were pretty sick, due to biking in the pouring rain but Christmas Eve was so fun! Our mission had a Christmas Eve Party/Devotional together, with all the missionaries! There was a fun talent show, nativity contest, and beautiful testimonies of Jesus Christ. In particular, I LOVED hearing Elder Wilde sing "O Come Emmanuel" in the chapel. That is when I felt the spirit the strongest that day. I LOVE CHRISTMAS. Oh and I was so happy to see all of my past companions. Zoggy and Fogg better be companions some day.
We also had quite an adventure on our way back home from the mission party. The other sister were in the car with us, driving to "Wine Country" (which is the middle of nowhere) to have dinner with their investigator, Albert, and his family. It was dark, far away, and I had no gps, or any idea where we were. When we dropped the sisters off at the gated house, I tried to follow the directions Albert gave me on how to get home. We said goodbye, and no kidding, drove about 50 feet and our car was beeping crazy at us, and the overheated light came on! In frustration, we tried to say I prayer patiently, and we turned around to get help from Albert and the sisters. We got to the gate and it was locked, with a sign that read, "No trespassing. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." Well that's real promising. We tried to get ahold of the sisters, but as usual...they didn't answer. haha. So I opened the hood to allow the engine to cool off, and I looked Sister Fogg in the eyes and said, "pray for me. I'm trespassing and jumping over the gate." A fear of being shot, and shot again ran through my mind as I attempted to climb over the huge gate. I left my companion at the car, and bolted up to the house. Thankfully it all worked out. They opened the gate, let us in for a Christmas Eve dinner (yummy homemade tamale's made by Albert's non-english speaking mom), and put some coolant in our car. Albert also took us out for a ride on his Polaris. wayy fun. but i probably shouldn't have gone because I will still sick and it was freezing. but we had so much fun. I'm grateful we survived that night and made it back home safely.

On Christmas morning, Sister Richie and Robinson came over to open presents, eat yummy coconut pancakes, and read the nativity together. Next, we went to church to partake of the sacrament. It was a special sacrament meeting, combined with three other wards and the spirit was amazing. We sang praises to our Lord about his birth and reflected on his life. I don't think you know who "Elder Hepworth" is but...he is an elder from the District movie, and he was sitting a pew next to us! He married a girl in our ward, crazy stuff. I'm also so grateful that we were able to serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day! Although I didn't really get to see all the people coming in for food, I did get to help do the dishes...and it was fun. haha. Christmas was great. I'll never forget my one Christmas in California. Next year I will be home with my family for Christmas!
Yesterday was really fun as well...on exchanges with Sister Benware in Temecula. I want to be her companion in the future. We get along so well. I love that girl. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we also had a baptism on the 23rd. Ryan Anderson (12 years old) was baptized and the mom asked me to play a piano musical number, conduct, and give the closing prayer. I'm glad I could be a part of it, even though we didn't teach Ryan (the Cole Canyon elders did due to other reasons). I love the spirit of baptisms, and I hope to see many more on my mission. Later that night, Adam and Shelly took us to Bainbridge Falls (a whole block with Christmas lights synced to music!!) it was so cool!! Anyways, I love you all and hope you are being safe during the holidays. Have an amazing 2017!! Don't forget to make new years resolutions and actually look at them throughout the year and try to achieve them! I'm so happy I get to spend 2017 serving the Lord. It will be the best year of my entire life.
Love you guys.

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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