Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mormon is Peace

If you are wondering what my title is about, let me explain:
There is this non-member guy named "Mike Lee" and he is 100% hippie, down to the core. He always calls us asking for "Skabelund." He is trying to get me to attend a "super surfer school in San Diego." Let me mention, he is 59...he has long greasy hair and wears nothing but tie-dye shirts. We came over one day to teach him and he basically gave us a rock-show in his living room. He is an incredible singer and guitarist but his lyrics make ZERO sense. lol. Here is what they consisted of... "Christian is peace. Christian is peace. Catholic speaks peace." He loves all religions. 
  I asked him if he knew that the Book of Mormon is true. He said, "Of course I do. And I actually wrote part of the golden plates if you wanna see..." He whooped out pages of jiberish and said he has about 150 pages so far. He said that he wrote part of Joseph Smith's golden plates and that "they" are going to pick him up in a space ship pretty soon... I tried so hard not too laugh as he continued to sing and read verses from the story of "Ammone" aka. Ammon. Tears streamed from my eyes as my shoulders were shaking and I tried to contain the laughter dying to come out. Hilarious. I don't think we will be going back there...

  Conference was incredible. I always love hearing from all the amazing speakers and the choir! I feel the spirit most through music. I had goosebumps every time the choir would sing. I'm soooo jealous that the missionaries in the MTC could sing in conference! Way cool. 

 "Joy has very little to do with our circumstances and everything to do with the focus of our lives," Russell M. Nelson. 

"As she looked to the book, she looked to the Lord," Gary E. Stevensen

"Our Redeemer chooses to forgive, he wants to forgive, and he is joyful when we repent. If we repent, immediately the great plan of redemption will be given to us. Repentance is not only possible, but joyful because of the Savior," paraphrased (Dale G. Renlund).

  We are loving the October weather and getting pumped for Halloween. 28 DAYS TILL HALLOWEEN! 82 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! We celebrated by trying on costumes in target today. lol. Anyways, I love being a missionary. I can't believe it has already been 5 months. only 13 more to go?! CRAZY. California is amazing.

love y'all
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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