Monday, October 17, 2016

Elder Klebingat for Stake Conference

This week has been amazing. Lots of things happened. 1, someone from Uganda thought I was Asia (no joke). 2, I went on exchanges with Sis. Timmons in Temecula (exchange miracles), We knocked on a door and this guy answered. He said he wants us to teach his little girl. When he was young, he didn't grow up in a religion or in a safe environment. He wants his daughter to live a good life and be close with Jesus Christ. He said he would read the Book of Mormon with his daughter (she's six). I'm grateful for that experience. 3, we had stake conference with Elder Klebingat of the 70 (he is from Germany. even he couldn't pronounce my surprised). Pretty much a great week. And we have been seeing lots of sick Halloween decorations. People go all out here. I love it.

Sorry this is so short. I have like zero time left. Here's what I got from stake conference:
- "We are never alone when we stand with Jesus Christ."
- "Once we have repented, there are no tracks or traces."
- "What matters MOST is what you are doing TODAY."
- "Learn to repent joyfully every day, then you will have confidence before God."

LOOK for the miracles....they are everywhere.

anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIBABUA. i love youuuu. have a great bday.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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