Sadly to say, I got very sick on Tuesday and had to stay in for the day. Sis. Zogg keeps reminding me, "NEVER GET SICK AGAIN." okay commander zogg...because I am in total control of that haha. You see, it is almost worse for the companion who is not sick...she was very, very bored all day & even read 20 chapters of Alma! Thankfully, after hour & hours of sleep, nasal spray, cough drops, prayers, & a priesthood blessing, I am feeling better. (:
Although I was a zombie during the beginning of the week, we still biked everywhere and worked hard. We dropped our investigator, Seleene...but it was an amazing lesson. The spirit was so strong. One of my favorite things to do, i learned, is to testify of truth. I looked Seleene in the eyes and testified of the enabling power of the atonement. I testified of our Heavenly Father, who loves her more than she can ever imagine. We are children of God. We told her to "let us know when you are ready," and that we can no longer meet with her until she is ready to change and start keeping commitments. She was kinda sad, but understanding. I know that someday she will be ready to make changes in her life and she will come to know of the truth of the Book of Mormon.
We don't have anyone in our teaching pool right now. But we know that through the power of prayer, hard work, and true faith, we will find those people who need the gospel in their life. We have actually been teaching a less-active, part-member family...the Reynosos. We found them one day in an apartment complex, when Eliz (their 12 year old daughter) ran up to us and asked if we were coming to visit them. We replied, "Um yeah! Where do you live again?" (we had no clue who she was but we were down for it). We met her family and they are pretty awesome. They are Star Wars fanatics and have a 2 year old boy named Anakin. He is precious. So there's Eliz, Zoe, and Anakin & their dad is not a member. We taught them this week and really felt the spirit. We talked about the importance of the Sabbath day and committed them to come to church. We had Sister Doolittle pick up Eliz for mutual and she LOVED it. She was begging her mom for her whole family to come to church, but sadly, they didn't show. Hopefully we can help them understand the importance of the sacrament this week.
Oh and guess what?! IT IS RAINING! We went on a hike early this morning to see the sunrise and we were surrounded in a valley of thunder and lightening! While our entire zone sat on pride rock, **ah zabenia balabeetselabah" (lion king), we heard this loud "BOOOOOMM" and we got soaking wet. I love the rain. And everyone kept saying that I am definitely an Oregon girl, because I was going skitzo in the rain. I love it so much. haha. We were drenched the whole hike. it pretty much made my whole p-day.
Anyways, I'm grateful to be a missionary. I don't regret my decision to serve one bit. Serving the Lord has been of the most humbling experiences of my life. I love Jesus Christ.

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