Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Put on the Whole Armor of God

   This week was great. We had an ALL sisters conference in Vista and it was amazing. We learned what perfection truly means. It does not mean "without error or flaw", it means to be well-developed or to have excellence. We are not perfect people. We are all doing our best to become "perfect, even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect." This does not mean we should compare or compete with others! Sister Christensen, at the mission office, said "If you would not say it to your friend, then don't say it to yourselves!" 
   Too often we compare ourselves to others or bring ourselves down. When you hear things like, "you are not good enough," "you are a failure," or "nobody cares," these are LIES and words from the adversary. Don't listen to him. Instead, come unto Christ and take His yoke upon you! Abide in His love and remember how important you are to Him, who is most important. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD! How often do we take this for granted? We are children of a supreme being, we are children of a king, a Heavenly Father who LOVES US and we love Him!
   “Examine your armor. Is there an unguarded or unprotected place? Determine now to add whatever part is missing. … Through the great principle of repentance you can turn your life about and begin now clothing yourself with the armor of God through study, prayer, and a determination to serve God and keep his commandments.” -President N. Eldon Tanner.

   Putting on the whole armor of God has really blessed me on my mission. Although we may not see the Lord's hand in everything we do, THE LORD'S HAND IS IN EVERYTHING WE DO. Bishop Pulsipher told us, "Even though you may not see the fruits of your labors, you are preparing God's children and setting the foundation. It could be days, months, or years...but what you are doing will make a difference...You are strengthening families and those around you." The armor of God has protected me and my companion. We are protected every day; spiritually, and physically. There is so much in store for us...we just need to put on the Lord's armor and see with spiritual eyes, and hear with spiritual ears. Miracles surround us every day. If you don't see them, LOOK DIFFERENTLY. 
   I am so happy that we were able to hear so many inspiring messages at general conference and at this sisters conference! It was much needed, and I received so much personal revelation that will be extremely beneficial to me throughout my mission. I'm so grateful that I was able to see all of my passed companions and MTC sisters. I love them.

 enjoy your week.
stay away from the creepy clowns....

pics= all the sisters in the mission, me and my posterity, and my step-mom & evil step-sister

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906

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