Monday, September 26, 2016

That was Totally Wicked!!!

"That was TOTALLY WICKED," said the little boy on bike from Incredibles.
Yes, this pretty much describes our week. (:

Monday: was our hike with the zone.

Tuesday = best miracle ever. Sister Zogg and I were on our lunch break, eating Cali-Burritos, and all of a sudden we started squealing of joy. It started RAINING!! Although it was still about 80 degrees, we were so happy to see raindrops. To finish our lunch break, we decided to bike up to the mountains and enjoy the rain. It started POURING RAIN and we got absolutely SOAKED!! We were riding our bikes in circles and got drenched from head to toe. The construction guys seemed to be entertained... Then eventually, our excitement began to fade as the rain would not stop and we got wetter and wetter. "We can't go into anyone's home like this!" Sister Zogg exclaimed. So we laughed, and biked all the way home to get the car. (: I LOVE RAIN!

Wednesday: we went on stake splits with Camilla Cook. She is preparing to serve her mission in December in the London England Mission! She is already an incredible missionary!! She is unbelievable and inspires me to be better.

Thursday: another miracle! The weather was amazing and we taught 4 investigators in a row!! They were all set up perfectly. We gave Seleene and Kevin a tour around the church and showed them the Restoration video. Next we taught Misty, a former investigator who wants to meet with missionaries again. And then we taught Claudia the Plan of Salvation at Sister Shallbetters house for dinner! I'm grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. And I'm grateful that today (September 22nd) is the first day of fall!!!

Friday: We had a fear factor dinner at the Rodriguez home. EW. I ate cow tongue, cow stomach, and oysters. The cow tongue actually wasn't too bad if it was drenched in Tapatio. I had fun teaching Mikayla, their 14 year old daughter, some salsa and chacha dance moves that I learned in Ballroom (senior year). That made me miss Jacqueline... I miss dancing haha.

Saturday: The Women's General Conference was PHENOMENAL! The spirit was amazing and all my questions were answered. I felt like what everyone said is exactly what I needed to hear. It seemed as though they were speaking directly to ME! One of my questions was how to better recognize the voice of the spirit... and Dieter F. Uctdorf said to "LISTEN DIFFERENTLY." There is something different that I need to do in order to hear the still-small voice. I'm so grateful for the spirit I felt, and the closeness I felt with the spirit. My new favorite song is, "I know that my Redeemer lives." That was the closing song and I LOVED IT! 

He lives to grant me rich supply.
He lives to guide me with his eye.
He lives to comfort me when faint.
He lives to hear my soul's complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears.
He lives to wipe away my tears.
He lives to calm my troubled heart.
He lives all blessings to impart.

He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
"I know that my Redeemer lives!"
He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
"I know that my Redeemer lives!"

This church is true. Jesus Christ lives and loves each of us. "Our Savior, the Good Shepherd, knows and loves us. He knows and loves you. He knows when you are lost, and He knows where you are. He knows your grief. Your silent pleadings. Your fears. Your tears.

It matters not how you became lost—whether because of your own poor choices or because of circumstances beyond your control. What matters is that you are His child. And He loves you. He loves His children. My dear brothers and sisters, my dear friends, I testify that God sees us as we truly are—and He sees us worthy of rescue.

You may feel that your life is in ruins. You may have sinned. You maybe afraid, angry, grieving, or tortured by doubt. But just as the GoodShepherd finds His lost sheep, if you will only lift up your heart to theSavior of the world, He will find you.

He will rescue you.
He will lift you up and place you on His shoulders.
He will carry you home."

"Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us. His commandments are the loving instructions and the divine help for us to close the umbrella so we can receive the shower of heavenly blessings.”-- Dieter F. Uctdorf


♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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