Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Field Is White

My time is like a toddler in a tiara, precious and short.

Yesterday was labor day, so instead of having pday, we worked super hard to find people to teach. The white handbook says that holidays are a perfect time to proselyte because that is when families are home...but to our discovery, the houses were empty yesterday. Despite knocking on the doors of hollow homes in Murrieta, we had an incredible experience that I will never forget.

We were scurrying around on our bikes at 8:50pm to find someone to teach, and randomly biked to the 76 gas station. We came up to this young lady (about our age), changing the trash bags at the gas station. After introducing ourselves, we discovered that she worked there and her name is Sophia. We taught her about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon, when IMMEDIATELY she said, "Of course I'll read it!" My companion and I were both stunned, considering that we haven't had a "yes" in awhile, and handed her a Book of Mormon. We asked if she would read Moroni's promise in the Introduction of the BofM out loud. The presence of the spirit was stronger than ever. 

Sophia seemed mind-blown as she began to tell us that we were an answer to her prayer. She told us that just before work, she was sitting in her car, praying and asking God to show her a sign and help her find the truth. "And then you girls showed up!" she continued. She almost seemed more excited than even we were (and trust me, we were excited). She happily and anxiously accepted our challenge to read the Book of Mormon, and pray to know if what we taught her was true. "The field is white already to harvest...Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work!" -D&C 4

A miracle. A tender mercy from the Lord, just 5 minutes before curfew. Although sometimes it seems like we are getting nothing from working extremely hard, the Lord has blessings in store for us. Working hard pays off. Studying pays off. Listening to the spirit pays off. I'm so happy that we could find Sophia. Just when you think things are only getting harder, when you are at the brink of despair, when you feel like giving up...TRUST IN THE LORD, and he will reveal your eyes to miracles everyday. 

"The tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." -1 Nephi 1:20

I love you all! ♥
p.s. i was chased by a goat
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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