Thursday, September 15, 2016


Wow, the weeks are flying by fast! So fast that I don't even remember what happened this week!     I hope you enjoy our biking mugshots. haha. just for fun. It pretty much explains our biking experience. Bike problem #999. Almost every day, something goes wrong with our bikes. Thankfully we have so many awesome members in our ward who are willing to help out! To thank Brother Adam Rodriguez, I made him some Magic Bars. On Sunday, he said "Thank you for those miracle bars." I laughed. They really are MIRACLE bars... delicious. And we got chased by some more goats this week...

   This week was a little bit sad because Sister Mulitalo (82 year old widow) had to put down her dog, Hana. We came over to her house one day and found Sister Mulitalo sitting in her car in the garage. We helped her bring her heavy groceries inside and found Hana laying on the ground crying. Hana is so frail that she could not get back up after falling. So she was laying there for about 2 hours, laying in her urine. Finally Sister Mulitalo decided to put her down, and it was really hard for her. 
   We came back the next day and she was in tears and looking at old photos of when Hana was young and healthy. We tried to comfort her and told her that "Hana is in her perfect form right now, playing with your husband! She is running around, happy and free!" Sister Mulitalo seems lonely, but we continue to meet with her every week and try to cheer her up. I made her some of my delicious "magic bars" (or "miracle bars" according to Bro. Rodriguez lol), and she seemed to like them. (: I love her with all my heart. Please keep her in your prayers.
   We have been meeting with a lot of widowed old ladies and I love every single one of them. In particular, I LOVE Sister Schow's love story. Not too long ago, we knocked on her door and after slowly walking to the door, the first thing she said was, "Oh hi girls! I was just thinking about when me and my husband were sixteen and in love." She is the sweetest old lady and always gives us grapes and soda pop. As the classical jazz music plays in the background, we sit on her fancy couches and she tells us stories of when she was young. Life was so simple back then. SHE IS 90! And I love hearing her stories, they are so cool to hear!
   She said the first time her husband put her arm around her, her pinky went numb, and she didn't want to move it because she thought he would think she didn't like it. haha. And he took her on a horse ride. She always says that when he came back from the war to visit her, he was 18 and looked like a man! "He wasn't a little boy anymore, but he was a handsome mature young man!" I told her that I am going to make a movie someday about her love-story. It's so adorable. You need to hear it from her. Anyways, I love her. I asked if I could take a picture with her and she said, "Wait until Sunday...that's when I have flowers in my hair."♥

   Anyways, I just want you all to know that Heavenly Father loves you. He is mindful of you and watches over you always. I LOVE YOU ALL. Have a great week.

pics: mugshots, me & sister schow, Sister Schow and her husband
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

 Here is a picture of my zone and Elder De Hoyos of the Seventy

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