Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hello Friends!

Well, last week was a tough one. We taught a lot of people on the street and even picked up a new investigator, Kayli (who is 16)! She seemed super solid and even asked if she could come to church with us. But when we texted her Saturday night, she flipped like a switch and said she wasn't interested. It was a major shock and disappointment to us. We're thinking that either she read some anti-material, or her parents were not happy with her meeting us. Either way, I got super down and discouraged. But thanks to our zone leaders, I got a priesthood blessing a feel much better! He talked a lot about love. I learned to have more charity towards my companion, the members, the other missionaries, and towards the strangers I see on the street. I need to love EVERYONE and things will work out! I'm so grateful for the restoration of the priesthood and for worthy priesthood holders. To those who hold the priesthood- never take it for granted! Hold it close to your heart, live worthy of it, and exercise it as much as you can! You hold the very powers of heaven!!

Today started our week nice and fresh! We went on a zone hike at 5:40am with Brother Smedley. The very first thing he said before we started the hike was, "Just an fyi, you will see lots of tarantulas...and it is mating season." WHAT?! That really got me excited. To go on a 10-mile hike up Monument Hill, surrounded by MATING TARANTULAS!! NOOOOO!!! not good. But let me tell you, Brother Smedley is hilarious. Someone dropped the big jug of water, which created holes at the bottom, and Brother Smedley rushed over to drink some of it so it wouldn't be wasted. He basically water-boarded himself! lol. And then water-boarded a few other elders. We parkoured over large "no trespassing" gates and found a few tarantulas on the trail (2 living, 2 dead). Bro Smedley says that when the female tarantulas are done mating, they eat the males and push them out of their caves. We found evidence of this and a "moment of silence" for the 2 dead tarantulas. haha.

Anyways, my spiritual thought is Alma 37:35-36.

"O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God. Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever."

I know that we are given commandments to HELP us. When we follow the commandments, we show our Heavenly Father that we love him. It's that simple. If we love the Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven, we will follow the commandments. We must have Him engraved in our hearts and always in our minds. When we follow the Savior and center Him in everything we do, life won't become easy, but it will become possible. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, more than I can even imagine. He loves me as much as he loves Kayli (the girl who bailed on us). He loves us all the same. The least we can do is show Him that we love Him back!

love u guys.

2) the fattest, biggest dog ever...Benny. It makes my laugh when he lays like this.
3) Bro. Smedley and the tarantula that crawled all over him
4) TARANTULA (and no. i DID NOT hold it)

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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