Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween 
& Happy Birthday Maddy Patty Cake...

This week was a party. In other words, we worked really hard and saw great results...and we had fun with it. On Tuesday, we finally got into the Millward home (a less-active family) and taught them the importance of the Sabbath day. The oldest boy broke the ice when he brought out his Halloween costume and let us try it on. lol. "I am Sister Zogg the Dog." Afterwards, we went to the Thunstrum's mansion for dinner. They have an app on their iphone that can control the whole house! They can turn all the lights on & off (or dim them), lock the doors, speak through an intercom, and play music with their phones. I was like a little kid on Christmas day when Bro Thunstrum told me, "There are speakers installed in the walls of every single room." I told them that I would seriously have a dance party every day of my life if I lived here. Honestly, I felt like I was in Tomorrowland.

We picked up three new investigators: Hannah, Norma, and Gabriela. Norma is Gabriela's grandmother and they are such an awesome family. We taught them about the power of the Holy Ghost and it's role in prayer. We shared 3 Nephi 11:3 and the spirit was so amazing. Norma talked about her experiences with the spirit and when she has felt it most in her life. I'm so grateful for all the people I meet on my mission; they have truly influenced MY own life. We also had many "glorified contacts" this week. Almost every day we left the apartment, we would immediately find someone willing to hear our message. We talked to "John" at the bus stop who had never heard about our church before. He was stoked to come to church and to read the Book of Mormon, but right as we were about to get his info, the bus pulled up and he hopped on. I was about to leave Sis. Zogg and get on that bus with him. Ahh well, at least he has the book that will change his life. The next day we talked to Michael Lee, who was walking down the street with his briefcase and box of work stuff in his arms. He told us that he just lost his job and his car broke down a few blocks away. "Seeing you sisters is a sign from God that I need to start reading your book again," he told us. I felt prompted to have him read the same scripture we shared with Norma out loud, and when he read it, he told us, "That is a dope scripture." haha. I hope the elders can continue to teach him.

On Friday, we went to the SAN DIEGO TEMPLE to do an endowment session with the missionaries in the Murrieta Zone. This was my 2nd time going to the temple as a missionary in CA, and it was even better than it was the first time. It was BEAUTIFUL! The sun was glowing through the clouds and onto the smiling faces of the sister missionaries. We were greeted inside by two happy old men at the counter, checked our recommends, and smiled with joyful, wrinkled eyes. We asked one of the men where he was from, and the sweet gentleman replied with a kind grin on his face, "I am from Heaven." The lobby was filled with small chuckles and they granted us permission to enter the House of the Lord. The four of us sisters stopped to admire a painting of Jesus Christ calming the sea. If you look closely, you can see that the fishermen who are looking away from Christ are terrified by the storm and are gripping onto the oars and sails of the boat. But those who are looking towards the Savior are peaceful and comforted. I know that when we look to Christ and Him in our lives, we will find refuge from the storms of life and we will feel joy in times of sorrow. The Savior will protect us and He will lift us up. The temple is the house of God and is ultimately where we need to be. I was reminded of my purpose as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am incredibly grateful for the privilege I have to bring souls to the Master and to enter His heavenly home on Earth. FAMILIES ARE FOREVER. We will be with our Heavenly Father again. ♥

This morning, Sis Zogg, Sis Richie, and I hiked pride rock again. We admired the sunrise and studied 3 Nephi 17 together. We had such a spiritual experience as we pondered and discussed our feelings and testimonies of the atonement of Jesus Christ. In verse 5-6 it says, "And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them. And he said unto them: Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you." This is when Christ is about to leave the Nephites in America...but they beg him to stay. And what do you know, HE STAYS, and he heals the sick and blesses the children. Then he prays unto the father..."and no one can conceive of the joy which filled our souls at the time we heard him pray for us unto the Father. And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of praying unto the Father, he arose; but so great was the joy of the multitude that they were overcome." I testify that the Savior lives and loves us. He is pleading with our Heavenly Father whenever we make a mistake or whenever we are sorrowful. He weeps with us! He rejoices with us! I'm grateful for what three sister missionaries experienced on the top of a mountain early this morning. I encourage you all to READ 3 NEPHI 17!!!

For those of you who just scrolled through all of this... here are some pictures of the week.
Have a great week you guys. (:

P.S. mom, i may need a new camera...mine fell of the side off the mountain this morning.
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rain rain don't go away!!

Dear Fellas,

Sadly to say, I got very sick on Tuesday and had to stay in for the day. Sis. Zogg keeps reminding me, "NEVER GET SICK AGAIN." okay commander zogg...because I am in total control of that haha. You see, it is almost worse for the companion who is not sick...she was very, very bored all day & even read 20 chapters of Alma! Thankfully, after hour & hours of sleep, nasal spray, cough drops, prayers, & a priesthood blessing, I am feeling better. (:

Although I was a zombie during the beginning of the week, we still biked everywhere and worked hard. We dropped our investigator, Seleene...but it was an amazing lesson. The spirit was so strong. One of my favorite things to do, i learned, is to testify of truth. I looked Seleene in the eyes and testified of the enabling power of the atonement. I testified of our Heavenly Father, who loves her more than she can ever imagine. We are children of God. We told her to "let us know when you are ready," and that we can no longer meet with her until she is ready to change and start keeping commitments. She was kinda sad, but understanding. I know that someday she will be ready to make changes in her life and she will come to know of the truth of the Book of Mormon. 

We don't have anyone in our teaching pool right now. But we know that through the power of prayer, hard work, and true faith, we will find those people who need the gospel in their life. We have actually been teaching a less-active, part-member family...the Reynosos. We found them one day in an apartment complex, when Eliz (their 12 year old daughter) ran up to us and asked if we were coming to visit them. We replied, "Um yeah! Where do you live again?" (we had no clue who she was but we were down for it). We met her family and they are pretty awesome. They are Star Wars fanatics and have a 2 year old boy named Anakin. He is precious. So there's Eliz, Zoe, and Anakin & their dad is not a member. We taught them this week and really felt the spirit. We talked about the importance of the Sabbath day and committed them to come to church. We had Sister Doolittle pick up Eliz for mutual and she LOVED it. She was begging her mom for her whole family to come to church, but sadly, they didn't show. Hopefully we can help them understand the importance of the sacrament this week.

Oh and guess what?! IT IS RAINING! We went on a hike early this morning to see the sunrise and we were surrounded in a valley of thunder and lightening! While our entire zone sat on pride rock, **ah zabenia balabeetselabah" (lion king), we heard this loud "BOOOOOMM" and we got soaking wet. I love the rain. And everyone kept saying that I am definitely an Oregon girl, because I was going skitzo in the rain. I love it so much. haha. We were drenched the whole hike. it pretty much made my whole p-day. 

Anyways, I'm grateful to be a missionary. I don't regret my decision to serve one bit. Serving the Lord has been of the most humbling experiences of my life. I love Jesus Christ. 

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Monday, October 17, 2016

Elder Klebingat for Stake Conference

This week has been amazing. Lots of things happened. 1, someone from Uganda thought I was Asia (no joke). 2, I went on exchanges with Sis. Timmons in Temecula (exchange miracles), We knocked on a door and this guy answered. He said he wants us to teach his little girl. When he was young, he didn't grow up in a religion or in a safe environment. He wants his daughter to live a good life and be close with Jesus Christ. He said he would read the Book of Mormon with his daughter (she's six). I'm grateful for that experience. 3, we had stake conference with Elder Klebingat of the 70 (he is from Germany. even he couldn't pronounce my surprised). Pretty much a great week. And we have been seeing lots of sick Halloween decorations. People go all out here. I love it.

Sorry this is so short. I have like zero time left. Here's what I got from stake conference:
- "We are never alone when we stand with Jesus Christ."
- "Once we have repented, there are no tracks or traces."
- "What matters MOST is what you are doing TODAY."
- "Learn to repent joyfully every day, then you will have confidence before God."

LOOK for the miracles....they are everywhere.

anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIBABUA. i love youuuu. have a great bday.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Put on the Whole Armor of God

   This week was great. We had an ALL sisters conference in Vista and it was amazing. We learned what perfection truly means. It does not mean "without error or flaw", it means to be well-developed or to have excellence. We are not perfect people. We are all doing our best to become "perfect, even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect." This does not mean we should compare or compete with others! Sister Christensen, at the mission office, said "If you would not say it to your friend, then don't say it to yourselves!" 
   Too often we compare ourselves to others or bring ourselves down. When you hear things like, "you are not good enough," "you are a failure," or "nobody cares," these are LIES and words from the adversary. Don't listen to him. Instead, come unto Christ and take His yoke upon you! Abide in His love and remember how important you are to Him, who is most important. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD! How often do we take this for granted? We are children of a supreme being, we are children of a king, a Heavenly Father who LOVES US and we love Him!
   “Examine your armor. Is there an unguarded or unprotected place? Determine now to add whatever part is missing. … Through the great principle of repentance you can turn your life about and begin now clothing yourself with the armor of God through study, prayer, and a determination to serve God and keep his commandments.” -President N. Eldon Tanner.

   Putting on the whole armor of God has really blessed me on my mission. Although we may not see the Lord's hand in everything we do, THE LORD'S HAND IS IN EVERYTHING WE DO. Bishop Pulsipher told us, "Even though you may not see the fruits of your labors, you are preparing God's children and setting the foundation. It could be days, months, or years...but what you are doing will make a difference...You are strengthening families and those around you." The armor of God has protected me and my companion. We are protected every day; spiritually, and physically. There is so much in store for us...we just need to put on the Lord's armor and see with spiritual eyes, and hear with spiritual ears. Miracles surround us every day. If you don't see them, LOOK DIFFERENTLY. 
   I am so happy that we were able to hear so many inspiring messages at general conference and at this sisters conference! It was much needed, and I received so much personal revelation that will be extremely beneficial to me throughout my mission. I'm so grateful that I was able to see all of my passed companions and MTC sisters. I love them.

 enjoy your week.
stay away from the creepy clowns....

pics= all the sisters in the mission, me and my posterity, and my step-mom & evil step-sister

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mormon is Peace

If you are wondering what my title is about, let me explain:
There is this non-member guy named "Mike Lee" and he is 100% hippie, down to the core. He always calls us asking for "Skabelund." He is trying to get me to attend a "super surfer school in San Diego." Let me mention, he is 59...he has long greasy hair and wears nothing but tie-dye shirts. We came over one day to teach him and he basically gave us a rock-show in his living room. He is an incredible singer and guitarist but his lyrics make ZERO sense. lol. Here is what they consisted of... "Christian is peace. Christian is peace. Catholic speaks peace." He loves all religions. 
  I asked him if he knew that the Book of Mormon is true. He said, "Of course I do. And I actually wrote part of the golden plates if you wanna see..." He whooped out pages of jiberish and said he has about 150 pages so far. He said that he wrote part of Joseph Smith's golden plates and that "they" are going to pick him up in a space ship pretty soon... I tried so hard not too laugh as he continued to sing and read verses from the story of "Ammone" aka. Ammon. Tears streamed from my eyes as my shoulders were shaking and I tried to contain the laughter dying to come out. Hilarious. I don't think we will be going back there...

  Conference was incredible. I always love hearing from all the amazing speakers and the choir! I feel the spirit most through music. I had goosebumps every time the choir would sing. I'm soooo jealous that the missionaries in the MTC could sing in conference! Way cool. 

 "Joy has very little to do with our circumstances and everything to do with the focus of our lives," Russell M. Nelson. 

"As she looked to the book, she looked to the Lord," Gary E. Stevensen

"Our Redeemer chooses to forgive, he wants to forgive, and he is joyful when we repent. If we repent, immediately the great plan of redemption will be given to us. Repentance is not only possible, but joyful because of the Savior," paraphrased (Dale G. Renlund).

  We are loving the October weather and getting pumped for Halloween. 28 DAYS TILL HALLOWEEN! 82 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! We celebrated by trying on costumes in target today. lol. Anyways, I love being a missionary. I can't believe it has already been 5 months. only 13 more to go?! CRAZY. California is amazing.

love y'all
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States