Monday, August 8, 2016

Three Months!!

Hey y'all.

I've been out for 3 months and this is my last week of training! Adios 12 weeks. This week was just a lot of hard work but no teaching. As our zone leader would say, we are "sucking air." A good majority of our ward is moving away back to school, back home, or on vacation. Almost everyone we stop by either aren't home, or they don't answer their doors. Thankfully we were able to teach a few LARC's at the end of the week.(:

We taught Robert, a recent convert who hasn't been coming to church for 2 months, and I lost control & got emotional. I really felt the Savior's love for him during the lesson and finally understood why it's so hard for him to come to church. It's a great feeling when you understand someone and see them as their Heavenly Father does. GUESS WHAT? He was at church this Sunday for the 1st time in awhile!

The work has been tough but after meeting with our Ward Mission Leader for correlation, I felt much better. We expressed to him that we don't have any investigators right now, but Drew responded with something that really hit me. He told me and Sister L, "Missionary work is hard. Even though the work may be slow right now, you are still going to make a difference & change lives. Even if they don't accept your message, you can still uplift and bless those around you. You are doing a great job and a great thing." 

This week I am especially grateful for the heavy "mist" we've been getting on our morning jogs. As I was running, I literally prayed that it would continue to stay nice, cool, and cloudy. guess what: It's been a beautiful 72ish degrees all week & still cloudy! YAY. #perfectweather. I think the Californians hate me now.

Oh and now we have a new bishopric which is kind of sad. I'm going to miss Bishop Romney and the Smiths! Sister Smith was like my mom in this ward. I'm going to extremely miss her hugs, but I will still go visit her every so often. (: Bishop Cornwell is pretty cool. We've had dinner with him a few times before he was bishop. It's just going to be really different!

This morning (6:00am) our zone hiked Torrey Pines together. It was beautiful as expected and we even saw a few dolphins playing in the ocean! That was so awesome to see dolphins SO CLOSE to us.

Anyways, that's about it. I will keep you updated on transfers which are next week! Woohoo. I love transfers! #newstart. LOVE U ALL.

Ps. -Ethan Travis Skabelund!!!! You need to STOP growing right now. Thanks.
1) district pic
2) I love Sister Smith. sorry it's blurry.
3) saying goodbyes to bishop & lil' red (his wife).

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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