Monday, August 15, 2016

"I'm going from Paradise to Hell."

My dear, precious family and friends,
Sister Larsen and I have had a pretty crazy week. Here's a little bit of what went down:

On Monday, I got a free haircut from Paige (a member in the ward) & we played human Foosball for FHE. Eric (the Priest Quorum Prez) nailed the Bishop's wife in the face. And my team won of course. Tuesday, we had Shepard's pie at Taylor's house and oh my goodness, that is my favorite meal ever. Then she came out with us to visit some people in the area book. Taylor (RM who served in Argentina) got us super pumped to do missionary work and have faith to FIND TEACH & BAPTIZE. I love that girl and her enthusiasm. 

We picked up another investigator named Ryan, and talked to a "Yogi" while walking on Neptune. Neptune is a crazy place. 

The surfer yogi guy told us,

"No disrespect, no disrespect, but your religion is GNARLY! It's pretty bogus. But no disrespect."

He tried to get us to read the book about "The Yogi Master," and to focus on our "third eye". 

"If you truly look within and find yourself through the third eye, you can go to other dimensions and meet the higher powers. Then we will all have peace, love, and happiness."

As we finished the conversation and walked away I asked Sister Larsen what the heck just happened. She simply told me that he was trying to convert us to "yogism" by telling us that doing drugs will take you to other worlds. something like that. It was funny. We find very interesting people near the beach. Only in California will you hear people call our church gnarly.

On Thursday, we got our leadership calls and I will be training a greenie again! I was very nervous to get transfer calls because we both knew that one of us was leaving. Honestly, Del Mar Stake is pretty much the best place ever. Torrey Pines YSA is paradise. I have been so blessed to put in an amazing area with amazing people. Saturday came around and we got our transfer calls. I'm WHITE-WASH TRAINING IN MURRIETA! I'm pregnant again. I'm leaving Torrey Pines. Right after that phone-call, I turned to Sister Larsen and said, "I'm going from Paradise to Hell." 

White-wash (when the ward gets 2 new missionaries). I will be going to a completely new area that I haven't been before while training a brand-new missionary. And it is a blistering hot 115 degrees there. It's at the very top of the mission (and currently I am at the very bottom by San Diego). Woooohooo. I'm excited to be taking over Sister Daley's area. And I love family wards. So I will let you all know how it goes. Tomorrow is going to be insane as I am packing, picking up my greenie, and driving all the way up to Murrieta. 

This is really when I "trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5-6). IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS. I am so grateful for my Savior who is always there for me and will help me along the way. I'm just kidding about the whole "hell" thing. I'm going to love Murrieta! 

Can't wait for "another day in paradise" as President Thomas always says.
-saying our goodbyes-
-excuse my scary pregnancy picture-
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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