Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 3

Hi Family & Friends,

I GOT A NEW CARD READER yayayaya. oh and even better, WE GOT OUR FIRST BAPTISM DATE OF THE TRANSFER! Her name is Samantha...(Sam), and she is absolutely adorable. The very first day we met her she asked us, "Do you have the BofM for me?" And our first lesson with her was during her LUNCH BREAK because she works 92 hrs a week. She is pretty much "elect" and so excited to embark on this journey. Good thing I got practice w/ the baptismal invites at the MTC haha because Sis. Palmer said that I was the one who needed to ask Sam to get baptized. And I did, and she said yes. BOOYAH. But pretty much we did nothing; the Lord prepared her already. Anyways, that's cool.

She is our only investigator right now... but hey, at least we have one! And she wants to get baptized July 2nd (we'll see how that goes; it may be pushed back). We are still searching and working hard to find the people who are ready for the gospel. "Somos las missionares de la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dia." Cool story: I contacted a Hispanic lady, while Sis. Palmer waited for me in the car, and we had like a 10 minute conversation in SPANISH! She could only say a few English words...but I understood her completely! Honestly, that is a miracle. We talked about how much we both miss our moms and I asked her, "Well why can't you go see your mom?" She replied in Spanish, "I haven't seen her in 14 years and if I try to go see her in Mexico, I can't come back." And we both started laughing so hard haha. It's crazy how much I'm learning Spanish here! I love the Hispanics! They are some of the nicest people I have ever met, probably because they I don't understand what I'm saying and just "smile and wave." lol.

I have been struggling a lil bit with adjusting to missionary life, so I asked some of the Elders to give me a blessing. I'm so grateful for the priesthood and that we can receive blessings by the power of God. Thank you to all you worthy priesthood holders out there! You are amazing men. HOLY COW. COURTNEY IS IN THE SAME ZONE AS CADEN at the MTC!! What in the flip?! I thought that was pretty sickkk. Oh yeah, I've seen so many people that I know here in our area & in our ward! Also, I met a guy on the street yesterday who said he was from Medford, OR...he was a soccer coach or something & was just visiting some friends in Cali. Cool, huh? Let me tell ya: I LOVE CALIFORNIA, specifically seeing the ocean all the time. From our church building, you get a perfect view of the ocean, it's BEAUTIFUL. I love it here. I love the people. I love being a missionary. Most importantly, I love my Savior Jesus Christ.

Don't ever be afraid to open your mouth and share the gospel. When you have the courage to share a simple testimony with your friends, you BLESS LIVES. It isn't as scary as it seems, YOU CAN DO IT! I challenge all of you to get a copy of the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and give it to a non-member with your testimony in it. I know that's pretty cliché, but trust me, it is worth it. When we share the gospel with others, not only do we bring them closer to Christ, but our own relationship with Heavenly Father is strengthened. You don't need to have a name-tag to share your testimony; you can all be missionaries if you have courage and put your trust in the Lord. He will bless you. ♥

Love you guys!

Don't have too much fun without me.


1. What!??! You let Allison cut her hair!?! NOO!! it's okay, it does look pretty cute. But, now she's gonna look even more identical to me.

2. You're not moving to Idaho anymore? Now I gotta tell my whole ward, "nevermind!"

3. So not fair that Madison saw tWitch! Let alone, be in his INSTAGRAM POST! luckyyyy.

4. HAPPY early FATHER'S DAY! I love you dad.

5. I realized I took like 0 pics this week. But here are some of my daily "planning sesh" selfies...when my hair is super psycho.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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