Monday, June 20, 2016

Utter Destruction

Hello my fellow friends and family,

   You are probably wondering why I titled my email "Utter Destruction," well let me tell you why...Well first off, we almost died. Second, MOM IT'S OKAY WE DIDN'T DIE. Third, is summed up in just 2 words: slow week.

   "What happens when a cow jumps over barbed-wire?" Well, I assume you know the answer now, but in case you didn't catch it: UTTER DESTRUCTION. Sister Palmer started off the week with this joke, and I was amused. I thought it was pretty funny...

   Anyways, so on Saturday, we parked the car to go visit a RCLA (recent-convert, less-active), and right as we turned the car off there was a loud "BAMMMPEUGHH!" The passenger window basically exploded, shattered all at once. Being the passenger, next to the window explosion, I thought someone shot me...and I dove to the back seat. Perfect timing, because right after my ninja jump to the back, all the tiny-shattered pieces of glass caved in all over the passenger seat. It's okay, we survived. We didn't get shot. We don't even know what happened, but it was crazy. We have a new car now!! Well until we get our old one back!

   Yeah other than that, I don't know what else to tell ya. It was a very slow week. But you know what, it happens! A lot of people seem to be leaving California for the summer, which is a little strange considering we are RIGHT BY THE BEACH!!! Why would they want to go anywhere else? Yeah.. apparently everyone here goes to their "Utah Log Cabin" for the summer, says Sis. Palmer. Even though we are not allowed to step on the sand ("Where the sand starts, the mission ends") we love being so close to the ocean! Every once in awhile, we go contacting near the beach and get to sneak in some cool pics. I love Cali!!!

   My least favorite thing about the mission is weekly planning on Fridays...and comp inventory, oh boy...that's fun. haha. But my favorite thing about the mission is meeting so many amazing people! Cool story: I met Hannah VonStrahl's cousins at Stake Conference (Noah and Grace). I didn't know that they were in my area! Stake Conference was pretty sweeeet. I left all my notes at home but something that stood out to me was the recent convert meeting. A bunch of recent converts told their conversion stories and it was AMAZING. It pushes me to never pass anyone on the street, and to share the gospel with everyone. My first few weeks here people kept asking me why I am on a mission. Honestly, I didn't know the answer. But after being here for almost 5 weeks, I'm pretty sure I understand why I am a missionary. I am on a mission because my Heavenly Father loves me. I am here because God loves every single one of His children and he wants us ALL to come back home to him. I figured that I give a little bit of my life back to Him in bringing souls to Christ.

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. Yes, it is the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding. I don't think anyone will understand until they serve a mission. From stake conference we learned that you are NEVER TOO OLD to be a missionary. It is never too late. They talked a lot about how even older couples should be excited and serious about serving a mission. It's the best thing you will ever do. "O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve Him with all of your heart, might, mind, and strength that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. Therefore if ye have desires to serve God, ye are called to the work." D&C 4:2-3

Love you guys.

Please send me your emails.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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