Monday, June 27, 2016

I've been a missionary for two months!


I have been a missionary for approximately 2 months and have been in the mission field for almost a full transfer! Fun stuff. Honestly, I'm STOKED for transfers. A fresh new start. And sadly we will be getting a new mission president on Friday...I'm gonna miss the Kendrick's so bad!

The highlight of my week was> WE WENT TO THE TEMPLE. This was my first time going through the San Diego temple, and let me just say: it's beautiful. The spiral staircase is awesome! In the top of the celestial room, you can see Angel Moroni through the windows! WAYYY COOL. And I'm so happy I had that opportunity in my very first transfer. And one of the temple workers took us on a tour of all the sealing rooms. I felt the spirit so strong.

Also, at FHE we met this girl Camri Richie who just got her mission call to our mission! She's a really cool beach girl & went to BYU-H, hopefully I can be her companion. Anyways...

I'm just going to keep this email brief.

Here is a poem that basically sums up the mission life (thank u Elder Allen):

A mission is a strange experience;
It's a trial and a test.
A mission throws at you the worst,
Yet it teaches you the best.
They told me this would be the best period of my life;
But I guess they didn't explain it all too clear.
I came out looking for a bed of roses;
I just wasn't expecting all the thorns I've found out here!
Since I've been out I've never been so happy
I've never been so depressed.
I've never felt so forsaken,
I've never felt so blessed.
I've never been so confused,
my mind has never been so clear.
I've never felt my Heavenly Father so distant
I've never felt him so near.
I've never been so discouraged,
Never felt so full of hope.
I feel like I can go on forever,
I think I've come to the end of my rope.
I've never had it so easy, I've never had it so tough.
Things have never gone so smoothly, things have never gone so rough.
I've never traveled through so many valleys
I've never ascended so many peaks
I've never met so many people
I've never met so many freaks.
I've never had so many ups,
I've never had so many downs.
I've never worn so many smiles
I've never seen so many frowns.
I've never been so lonely
I've never had so many friends
man, I hope this is all over with soon.
Gosh, ... I hope it NEVER ENDS!

Soooooo true. I'm doing great. I love being a missionary. I love witnessing miracles, even though they may be very few or small. I love it here.

It's all about love.

"And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." - Moroni 7:45-48

Love you guys.

P.S. You won't be getting an email from me on Monday. Our p-day is on Tuesday.

And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHAN Bethan Bacon Bisquit. I love your stinking guts. Have a fabulous 15th birthday, enjoy the fireworks, and watch out for the ladies. ♥


♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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