Monday, June 6, 2016

Week #2

Hola Familia!

Today is my second p-day in the mission field! This morning, Sister Palmer and I got up super early and ran along the ocean! Sadly we can't actually run on the sand, but we ran on the sidewalk! I love living so close to the ocean!! Then we are gonna go play "Real Life Mario Kart" with our district.. haha. On Wednesday we went on exchanges. Crazy that we went on exchanges on my 2ND WEEK in the mission field. But, it was my FAVORITE day so far. I was able to serve in the Carlsbad area with her and we taught so many contacts on the street! I LOVVVED Sister Miraglia and learned so much from her! I learned not to be afraid to talk to EVERYONE. She literally pushed/dragged me out of my comfort zone. I passed out like 3 BofM's that day and I even invited a homeless man to be baptized. lol. THE MISSION IS GREAT. I've grown so much already.

June 4th was my "bonthday mark," according to Sister Palmer. I've been a missionary for a little more than a month! We celebrated by getting DQ blizzards and going to the beach. (Whenever I say "go to the beach," I mean.. just going near the beach. We had an incredible experience teaching Michael, while tracking. Although he is married to a man...he is such an awesome guy. We were able to give him a BofM and pray with him. He is so excited about the BofM and wants to join in on our lessons with Samantha (our investigator who lives next door). It was pretty neat seeing him receive personal revelation right in front of our eyes. But yeah, we'll see what happens with him. I'm excited to teach Samantha this week! She honestly so awesome.

I would like to say that I've been getting in shape, because they make us run 30 min every morning...but, we are also eating SO MUCH burritos & tacos. SOOO...yeah. But I'm literally a scary zombie when we go running every morning at 6:30! It's pretty great. One of my favorite things about being a missionary is being able to teach people. I love it. I love hearing our investigators or less-actives pray. They have amazing testimonies, even though they don't know it yet. This might sound weird, but I also love being a part of ward council. It's just fun coming up with ideas and talking about how we can help the people in our ward. Idk, I like it. (: The funny thing about a YSA ward is that we have a "date box".. and the missionaries like pairing people we think would be cute together and putting them in the box. It's great. Torrey Pines YSA Elders & Sisters = MATCH-MAKERS at it's finest.

I don't know if I told you this already, but Elder Kapp (who is serving in my ward) is from Syracuse, Utah! Idk if any of you know the Kapp's. But his sister is the same age is Allison. Allison, do you know MADI KAPP? She's a red head if that helps...and she is a sophomore at Syracuse High. Apparently Elder Kapp knows Emma Hill and Zach! So that's cool. I love our Elders! They are pretty awesome, hard-working missionaries.

Scripture of the week is ETHER 12:27... "And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that HUMBLE THEMSELVES before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make WEAK things become STRONG unto them."

This is something I'm still improving on, but I know that when we DO humble ourselves before Christ, he will make our weaknesses become our strengths. I've seen it happen out here in Cali. I love being a missionary!

I know that God loves every single one of His children. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and it is for US! When we read it, we take a step closer to Him. God hears your prayers, and he is mindful of you. THE CHURCH IS TRUE, no doubt about it. Email me. Send me packages....haha. Elder Kapp keeps bragging about how he gets packages every week, and he's been out for like 7 months or something...


stay cool.


- I took a picture of these apartments for BRYSON & ETHAN, because they reminded me of the little Minecraft villages.. hahah.

- The purple little fuzzy things reminded me of the "specks" from Horton Hears a Who. Sister P. says that Dr. Seuss actually lived in California and got his ideas from here??

- This was my first picture with the ocean (on the day of my exchange).


♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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