It was really hard to leave Murrieta, but I love my new area!...Palomar YSA.
Sister Traci Rodriguez (my mom of the mission) drove me down for transfers. I'm so happy that she, being one of my favorite people, could take me to my new area. It almost felt like she was dropping me off at college or something, she agreed.
Sister Duering is my new favorite companion. She is a happy, energetic theater girl in a nutshell. I love her guts. On our very first night as companions, we taught our investigator Jennifer, without having practiced together. And we taught in so much unity!! That is something that I have struggled with on my mission...being unified with my companion. But Sister Duering and I have so much unity, which is so important in the work! Not only is she an incredible teacher with a unbelievable testimony, but she is LIGHT! If you ever need some joy and happiness in your life, come into the same room as Sister Duering; you WILL smile. She makes me laugh all the time and helps me to stay positive and happy every single day. I'm glad she is my companion.
I am super blessed to have jumped into an area with already 7 investigators, which is totally opposite of what I am used to! Marilyn is getting baptized this weekend, on the 11th! It was such a great feeling to see her after she passed her baptismal interview! Her eyes were filled with tears and she had a huge smile on her face! I could see the light and joy in her eyes! This is the joy that I want all of God's children to have. I also saw it as we were teaching Jennifer. She knows that this is the truth. She knows that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. She knows that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that Joseph Smith really did see both the Father and the Son. She know it's true and so do I.
Jennifer isn't even a member yet and she is already a bomb missionary. Although she love love loves coffee, she was so quick to quit drinking it after we taught her the word of wisdom! She is sharing her testimony with her parents and has a huge impact on her twin sister. Even though her sister isn't interested in investigating, Jennifer has influenced her to pray! She was so excited to tell us that she prayed with her sister and they both felt the spirit! I love her so much!
Rebecca, our other investigator, came to the Moore family baptism on Saturday. She had a lot of questions, and thought the baptism was really long, but we think she really enjoyed it! Rebecca is struggling right now with drugs and alcohol. On Sunday, Rebecca didn't come to church because she was going through a really rough time. She told us, over text, that she is ashamed, sad, and alone. We went over that night and "heart attacked" her door and gave her some cupcakes. She loved it. She says that she is atheist, but we know that somewhere deep inside her, she believes. She is willing to do what it takes to receive an answer. She said that she is coming to Family Home Evening tonight! We are excited!
Anyways, I am doing very well. The ward is great. I love being missionary.
Love ya.
ps...sorry so many pics.
-what is this statue? can you tell me?
-we got ice cream for my 9 month mark <<halfway done
-went on a district hike this mornin
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
Sister Traci Rodriguez (my mom of the mission) drove me down for transfers. I'm so happy that she, being one of my favorite people, could take me to my new area. It almost felt like she was dropping me off at college or something, she agreed.
Sister Duering is my new favorite companion. She is a happy, energetic theater girl in a nutshell. I love her guts. On our very first night as companions, we taught our investigator Jennifer, without having practiced together. And we taught in so much unity!! That is something that I have struggled with on my mission...being unified with my companion. But Sister Duering and I have so much unity, which is so important in the work! Not only is she an incredible teacher with a unbelievable testimony, but she is LIGHT! If you ever need some joy and happiness in your life, come into the same room as Sister Duering; you WILL smile. She makes me laugh all the time and helps me to stay positive and happy every single day. I'm glad she is my companion.
I am super blessed to have jumped into an area with already 7 investigators, which is totally opposite of what I am used to! Marilyn is getting baptized this weekend, on the 11th! It was such a great feeling to see her after she passed her baptismal interview! Her eyes were filled with tears and she had a huge smile on her face! I could see the light and joy in her eyes! This is the joy that I want all of God's children to have. I also saw it as we were teaching Jennifer. She knows that this is the truth. She knows that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. She knows that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that Joseph Smith really did see both the Father and the Son. She know it's true and so do I.
Jennifer isn't even a member yet and she is already a bomb missionary. Although she love love loves coffee, she was so quick to quit drinking it after we taught her the word of wisdom! She is sharing her testimony with her parents and has a huge impact on her twin sister. Even though her sister isn't interested in investigating, Jennifer has influenced her to pray! She was so excited to tell us that she prayed with her sister and they both felt the spirit! I love her so much!
Rebecca, our other investigator, came to the Moore family baptism on Saturday. She had a lot of questions, and thought the baptism was really long, but we think she really enjoyed it! Rebecca is struggling right now with drugs and alcohol. On Sunday, Rebecca didn't come to church because she was going through a really rough time. She told us, over text, that she is ashamed, sad, and alone. We went over that night and "heart attacked" her door and gave her some cupcakes. She loved it. She says that she is atheist, but we know that somewhere deep inside her, she believes. She is willing to do what it takes to receive an answer. She said that she is coming to Family Home Evening tonight! We are excited!
Anyways, I am doing very well. The ward is great. I love being missionary.
Love ya.

ps...sorry so many pics.
-what is this statue? can you tell me?
-we got ice cream for my 9 month mark <<halfway done
-went on a district hike this mornin

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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