This week at Zone Conference, President Thomas shared one of his
precious memories of when he pickled cucumbers as a kid. He was so
amazed when he heard this talk by Elder Bednar because he connected with
it so well. We discussed the importance of having our investigators be
completely and totally immersed in the gospel. Not one foot in and one
foot out, but experiencing the complete conversion. Conversion, like the
steps of becoming a pickle, does not happen over night. It takes time,
diligence, and faith. President and Sister Thomas even gave each
companionship a huge jar of pickles to remind us of the importance of
our conversion!
"A cucumber becomes a pickle as it is prepared and cleaned, immersed in and saturated with salt brine, and sealed in a sterilized container. This procedure requires time and cannot be hurried, and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided. My beloved brothers and sisters, I pray this parable of the pickle may help us to evaluate our lives and to better understand the eternal importance of spiritual rebirth. I witness the reality and divinity of a living Savior who invites us to come unto Him and be transformed. Through faith in Christ, we can be spiritually prepared and cleansed from sin, immersed in and saturated with His gospel, and purified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise- even born again" Elder David A. Bednar "Ye Must Be Born Again" May 2007.
I had an awesome experience this week! On Wednesday morning, I prayed that we would be able to hand out a Book of Mormon and share the restoration with someone who needs it that day. I had never prayed for something specific like that before. At lunch time, Sister Duering suggested that we have a picnic at the "Hasta La Vista Park," and I exclaimed that that is a great idea! Immediately after getting out of the car, the spirit guided me to open the trunk and grab an extra Book of Mormon. Just seconds after, we were greeted by a yappy chihuahua and his friend Jermell. He was kind and willing to hear our message. As we testified of the blessings of the restoration, he listened intently and asked us sincere questions. He didn't want to give us his number or address but he wanted to keep the Book of Mormon. I hope that he will come in contact with missionaries again! That was a great experience for us!
We also found another little miracle and her name is Rylee. Rylee came up to the sisters booth at MeraCosta College and was seeking truth. We picked her up as an investigator a few days later and have found so much joy in teaching her! Rylee is definitely very unique. She has gone through a lot of hard things in the past and wonders whats the point of even living. She has attempted suicide before, has a baby at a very young age, suffers depression, and just needs peace. "Something told me to talk to you sisters, and I hope you can help me," she said as were teaching her the Plan of Salvation. I know that this is what she needs. She needs the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and of the Saviors atoning sacrafice for her. She needs to know that she is here on earth for a reason, she is important and precious in God's eyes.
I love sharing the gospel, it brings me so much joy! If you read anything from my email, read this: I KNOW THAT CHRIST LIVES! HE LOVES YOU! YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE ENABLING POWER OF HIS ATONEMENT IN YOUR LIFE.
-- p.s. it was raining so hard. the storm was actually called "Lucifer."
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
"A cucumber becomes a pickle as it is prepared and cleaned, immersed in and saturated with salt brine, and sealed in a sterilized container. This procedure requires time and cannot be hurried, and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided. My beloved brothers and sisters, I pray this parable of the pickle may help us to evaluate our lives and to better understand the eternal importance of spiritual rebirth. I witness the reality and divinity of a living Savior who invites us to come unto Him and be transformed. Through faith in Christ, we can be spiritually prepared and cleansed from sin, immersed in and saturated with His gospel, and purified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise- even born again" Elder David A. Bednar "Ye Must Be Born Again" May 2007.
I had an awesome experience this week! On Wednesday morning, I prayed that we would be able to hand out a Book of Mormon and share the restoration with someone who needs it that day. I had never prayed for something specific like that before. At lunch time, Sister Duering suggested that we have a picnic at the "Hasta La Vista Park," and I exclaimed that that is a great idea! Immediately after getting out of the car, the spirit guided me to open the trunk and grab an extra Book of Mormon. Just seconds after, we were greeted by a yappy chihuahua and his friend Jermell. He was kind and willing to hear our message. As we testified of the blessings of the restoration, he listened intently and asked us sincere questions. He didn't want to give us his number or address but he wanted to keep the Book of Mormon. I hope that he will come in contact with missionaries again! That was a great experience for us!
We also found another little miracle and her name is Rylee. Rylee came up to the sisters booth at MeraCosta College and was seeking truth. We picked her up as an investigator a few days later and have found so much joy in teaching her! Rylee is definitely very unique. She has gone through a lot of hard things in the past and wonders whats the point of even living. She has attempted suicide before, has a baby at a very young age, suffers depression, and just needs peace. "Something told me to talk to you sisters, and I hope you can help me," she said as were teaching her the Plan of Salvation. I know that this is what she needs. She needs the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and of the Saviors atoning sacrafice for her. She needs to know that she is here on earth for a reason, she is important and precious in God's eyes.
I love sharing the gospel, it brings me so much joy! If you read anything from my email, read this: I KNOW THAT CHRIST LIVES! HE LOVES YOU! YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE ENABLING POWER OF HIS ATONEMENT IN YOUR LIFE.
-- p.s. it was raining so hard. the storm was actually called "Lucifer."

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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