Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happy New Year!!

We had an awesome Christmas! Thank you to all of those who sent us gifts and Christmas cards! I loved it! I'm so grateful that I was able to skype my family. Most of the time we were just sticking our nostrils in the camera and making weird faces, but hey, that's my family for ya. We had fun laughing together. I miss them! This week we were pretty sick, due to biking in the pouring rain but Christmas Eve was so fun! Our mission had a Christmas Eve Party/Devotional together, with all the missionaries! There was a fun talent show, nativity contest, and beautiful testimonies of Jesus Christ. In particular, I LOVED hearing Elder Wilde sing "O Come Emmanuel" in the chapel. That is when I felt the spirit the strongest that day. I LOVE CHRISTMAS. Oh and I was so happy to see all of my past companions. Zoggy and Fogg better be companions some day.
We also had quite an adventure on our way back home from the mission party. The other sister were in the car with us, driving to "Wine Country" (which is the middle of nowhere) to have dinner with their investigator, Albert, and his family. It was dark, far away, and I had no gps, or any idea where we were. When we dropped the sisters off at the gated house, I tried to follow the directions Albert gave me on how to get home. We said goodbye, and no kidding, drove about 50 feet and our car was beeping crazy at us, and the overheated light came on! In frustration, we tried to say I prayer patiently, and we turned around to get help from Albert and the sisters. We got to the gate and it was locked, with a sign that read, "No trespassing. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again." Well that's real promising. We tried to get ahold of the sisters, but as usual...they didn't answer. haha. So I opened the hood to allow the engine to cool off, and I looked Sister Fogg in the eyes and said, "pray for me. I'm trespassing and jumping over the gate." A fear of being shot, and shot again ran through my mind as I attempted to climb over the huge gate. I left my companion at the car, and bolted up to the house. Thankfully it all worked out. They opened the gate, let us in for a Christmas Eve dinner (yummy homemade tamale's made by Albert's non-english speaking mom), and put some coolant in our car. Albert also took us out for a ride on his Polaris. wayy fun. but i probably shouldn't have gone because I will still sick and it was freezing. but we had so much fun. I'm grateful we survived that night and made it back home safely. (:
On Christmas morning, Sister Richie and Robinson came over to open presents, eat yummy coconut pancakes, and read the nativity together. Next, we went to church to partake of the sacrament. It was a special sacrament meeting, combined with three other wards and the spirit was amazing. We sang praises to our Lord about his birth and reflected on his life. I don't think you know who "Elder Hepworth" is but...he is an elder from the District movie, and he was sitting a pew next to us! He married a girl in our ward, crazy stuff. I'm also so grateful that we were able to serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day! Although I didn't really get to see all the people coming in for food, I did get to help do the dishes...and it was fun. haha. Christmas was great. I'll never forget my one Christmas in California. Next year I will be home with my family for Christmas!
Yesterday was really fun as well...on exchanges with Sister Benware in Temecula. I want to be her companion in the future. We get along so well. I love that girl. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we also had a baptism on the 23rd. Ryan Anderson (12 years old) was baptized and the mom asked me to play a piano musical number, conduct, and give the closing prayer. I'm glad I could be a part of it, even though we didn't teach Ryan (the Cole Canyon elders did due to other reasons). I love the spirit of baptisms, and I hope to see many more on my mission. Later that night, Adam and Shelly took us to Bainbridge Falls (a whole block with Christmas lights synced to music!!) it was so cool!! Anyways, I love you all and hope you are being safe during the holidays. Have an amazing 2017!! Don't forget to make new years resolutions and actually look at them throughout the year and try to achieve them! I'm so happy I get to spend 2017 serving the Lord. It will be the best year of my entire life.
Love you guys.
Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Greatest Christmas Gift!

Talking to Sister Skabelund was the best Christmas gift ever. I loved having our whole family together on Christmas day!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Merry merry merry merry Christmas to youuuu! 🎄❄

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on bright, Californian Christmas day!
hey guyys. I am so stoked for Christmas. Although it is a warm 60 degrees outside, and no snow...I think it is going to be a great week. I do BELIEVE in miracles (snow WILL come), and I have persuaded the entire primary of our ward to believe with me! Haha. Many kids in the ward have run up to me with snowflakes they have cut out, to add to my collection in our apartment. Even moms tell me that I have made a huge influence, and their children are praying for snow... "NO! why did you do this to us?" the moms say. Everyone here seems to think that it is cold, but trust me, it is not cold. Let's start a trend... # PRAY FOR SNOW! thankzz.
We have been getting SO MUCH Christmas junk food from every house we go to. Forget the "Freshman Fifteen", the mission is a whole new level...how about the "Mission Million". Food never ends. Yesterday for dessert, a member fed us a whole lot of pumpkin pie with our whipped cream. I feel a double-chin comin. Pray for me. haha.
So it is a new transfer and I am still training Sister Fogg. With every single one of my companions I have learned something new. Each companion is completely opposite of each other. Sister Fogg is really really shy and has a hard time opening up. But this has taught me to be an even better example in ALL that I do. I've started to notice that she follows me and does what I do. I find myself singing, "Do as I'm doing...follow follow me. Do as I'm doing...follow follow me" during the week as we are proselyting on our bikes. She probably thinks I'm a weirdo and that I embarrass her too much, but hey, you gotta have fun with work. I have to get her out of her comfort zone some how. Yesterday was a proud moment for me! Sister Fogg biked up to a couple getting out of there car and talked to them on her own free will (without me repetitively reminding her). AND GUESS WHAT? They were totally open and she was able to testify to them of the Restoration! I have testimony of obedience. When we are obedient and do what the Lord asks of us (to share the gospel), he will guide us to people who are prepared, and the spirit will tell us what to say. That was the first Book of Mormon we have given out in about 3 weeks! Faith proceeds miracles.
Sunday was a really spiritual experience for me. Before church, I watched the "Jesus Christ's Life: Bible Videos," mainly the clips of Christ's last week, the Atonement. I know that preparing for the sacrament really allowed me to have a sacred experience. I felt so strongly of Christ's love and forgiveness for me, while I partook of the bread and water, and pondered on His birth, ministry, atonement, and resurrection. I know that if we take the Sacrament seriously and prepare for it beforehand, we will feel the spirit and will receive personal revelation. The primary got up and performed a Christmas medley that brought tears to my eyes. It was so beautiful. I reflected on the birth of Jesus Christ and the young, innocent little children sang with everything in them. This is what Christmas is all about. I know that Heavenly Father loves his children.
Well, I'm excited to skype my family on Sunday. You have no idea...Sister Fogg and I have been counting down the days from the beginning. We even made a Christmas chain. That is all I want for Christmas...to see the faces of my amazing family and hear their voices again. 7 months has been wayy to long.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Hey everyone.

This week wasn't the best. Sister Fogg had to go to the doctors, we lost a few investigators, I was physically exhausted, a recent-convert in our ward passed away, and there was some contention in our companionship...But you know what, this week is going to be awesome because IT'S A NEW TRANSFER!! I love starting over, fresh, new start. 

On Tuesday, we had an amazing relief society Christmas dinner. There was a little musical show put together by the women of our ward, who portrayed the women in the scriptures. It was so inspiring to focus on the mothers in the scriptures, of whom we think so highly of. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, Anna, the mother of Mary, Rachel, the mother of Joseph, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Looking through the eyes of these wonderful women, I understood the role of motherhood, especially in the birth, life, and raising of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I'm so grateful for the privilege we had of working a booth at the live nativity, put on by the Murrieta Stake. We handed out the Joy to the World videos, and shared the glorious message of our Savior's birth. I'm grateful for the experiences I had as I watched the mother of Jesus hold her baby, the Messiah, and Savior of the World, tight in her arms. As we watched Joseph gaze into the eyes of the Son of God, my heart was filled with peace and gratitude. Brother Merrill played the guitar and sang this beautiful song about Joseph's point of view:

"How could it be this baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be
Lord I know He's not my own
Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father let this baby be
The son of my love

Father show me where I fit into this plan of yours
How can a man be father to the Son of God
Lord for all my life I've been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king, How can I raise a king
He looks so small, His face and hands so fair
And when He cries the sun just seems to disappear
But when He laughs it shines again
How could it be."

I know that my Savior lives. He is the Son of God. I know that have been sharing a lot of music lyrics with you. I think music is one of the things that makes me feel the spirit most. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I'm so excited to talk with my family in just 13 days!!! (: woooohooo. Don't forget to put Christ in Christmas! It is all about Him! HE IS THE GIFT.

Inline image 1

 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God,The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

love you

#burnbabyburn < I'm always quoting the Grinch (looks like I'm burning the Christmas tree).
-check out this awesome mug mom got me.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States