Monday, July 18, 2016

Missionary for 74 Days!

Hi family. 

According to mom, I have been serving for 74 days. haha. 
This has been a crazy week! There was an ET (emergency transfer), and I got a new companion. Sister Alvari went home but I'm so happy for her and all that she has accomplished. We became best friends during that week & a half that she was here! I give her all of my love and support, and I wish her the best at Utah State! I MISS HER SO MUCH.

My new comp is Sister Larsen. She's from North Ogden and has been out for about 10 months. She's pretty cool. On Saturday, President & Sister Thomas took Sister Alvari to the airport, and I went to my new companion's baptism in Escondido! It was Sister Larsen's first baptism and I'm so glad that I could go! His name is Clifford (73 years old) and I gotta be honest, he looks like he could be on Duck Dynasty. lol. He's got the bushy beard, and pony tail look. It's great.

We don't have anyone to teach right now BUT that is going to change! We are so ready to FIND TEACH & BAPTIZE this transfer!!!! We have faith sufficient for miracles! Sorry this is so short. 
I have a testimony of our loving prophet, Thomas S. Monson. He was called of God and he receives revelation for the entire church. I'm so grateful for our Prophet who leads and guides this church! I encourage you all to read a conference talk every Sunday! I know that by doing so, you will gain a testimony of Prophets and you will feel more joy and peace in your life!


1) Generation photo (My daughter/greenie, me, and my mom/trainer).
2) lots of pics of me and Sis. Alvari (saying goodbye)
3) the crew. Us & the Torrey Pines Elders.
4) My new companion, Sister Larsen

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
now i hate dogs. and won't contact anyone walking their dog (unless I'm on the other side of the street...or i'll make my companion talk to them).

Yeah... I was on a morning run at like 6:30am in I was barely awake. As I ran past a lady walking her two dogs and wished her a "good morning", her evil devil chihuahua jumps at me and takes a bite onto my thigh. I continued running and it was STILL ATTACHED to me. I had to do a little leg shake dance thing and he finally came off. I was so shocked/panicking. Good thing my companion didn't get attacked...she's fine.

On the plus side...I think my G's saved me. The only bloody bite marks I got, were right below my g line!! yay. 

this picture pretty much sums up our reaction. lol
and it looks like I'm eating Sis Alvari

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