Tuesday, July 5, 2016

I'm Pregnant!!

Well hello there,

   Sorry if my subject title startled you. Believe me, when I found out, I WAS SHOCKED. Let me explain this great, somewhat scary news: Sister Palmer and I received a phone-call on one blistering hot day. We were happy to hear the voice of Elder Glover (the AP; assistant to the president) because 1. we wanted to wish him a happy bday, and 2. we thought we were getting our car back. To my surprise, the phone-call wasn't about our car at all. Elder Glover specifically asked to speak to me, and told me that President Kendrick has assigned me to BE A TRAINER!!! I will never forget that moment. I accepted the invitation, ended the call and screamed, "I'M GONNA BE A MOM!" In response, Sister Palmer yelled "And I'm gonna be a grandma!"
(The mission vocab is different and something you need to experience to understand. But essentially, if you are training a brand-new greenie from the MTC, you are their mom or dad). Oh and Sister Palmer is getting transferred to Rancho Carillo, which is in the same stake. Sooo... we are still in the SAME ZONE! (:

   I will be in labor in about 3 hours! Aka: I'M MEETING MY GREENIE TODAY!!!! I'm so excited to be a trainer and for this new adventure we get to go on. It's a new month, new transfer, new companion, new responsibility, and new mission president! Starting off fresh, with some healthy "greenie". < ha ha. I was interviewed by our new president, President Thomas, on Saturday. Since it was only his second day in the mission, he didn't know me very well, and he was surprised that I was called to train. "You must be a superstar." It is very rare for a greenie to train a greenie. Typically, missionaries complete their 12 week training first, but I'm going to be training at 6 weeks. Even though I don't feel completely adequate, I know that the Lord trusts me! And if I put my trust in him, he will help me.

   President and Sister Thomas are from Salt Lake City. Sister Thomas grew up in Ogden, UT and President Thomas grew up in Roy, UT! WHAT?! That's like right where my family currently lives. Isn't that a small world? Being a missionary, I have discovered that the Mormon world really is small; I've seen so many people that I know! Anyway, the Thomas's are super awesome and quirky. I have to admit, I still miss the Kendrick's a lot! President and Sister Kendrick were the first people (in the mission) that I saw when I got off the plane in San Diego! I got really attached to them. Nevertheless (ooh look at me, using scripture vocab), I LOVE the Thomas's. I know that they are really going to help the mission progress and that they were called of God to come to the California Carlsbad Mission!

    Yesterday was the fourth of July, and I was having a pretty tough time. That holiday is so special to me; it's a holiday that is super big for my family, and it's my brother's birthday. It was so hard missing out on birthday candles, bbq, and fireworks with my family.Thankfully, we did see some fireworks from our study room window that night (even though fireworks are illegal here). I learned that holidays really do suck on your mission. But you know what, it's a new day! And yesterday was my 2-month mark!! I'm so excited for this transfer! It's going to be a great one.

   You know life is sooo good, when you are emailing your family in the library with a perfect view of the ocean. The water today is SO CLEAR & BLUE!! It's completely beautiful. I love California. Well the laptop is about to die, so I'm going to wrap things up. "Therefore, cheer up your hearts and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves-to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life." -2 NE 10:23
Happiness is a choice. Be happy, it's a good thing to be happy. Oh and SMILE!

The battery is at 4%
buhbye. I love you all.

P.S. the old lady is Sister Stout, the member we live with. (: She took us out to Denny's for brunch.
And the nails are for Carebear: "PEPSI".

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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