Monday, July 11, 2016

I love my companion!

Why hello,

This week has been CRAZY. On Tuesday, we went to the Mission Office to pick up our greenies. We had a fun little transfer meeting thing in the gym and President Thomas announced all the companionship's. "Sister Skabelund, you will be training...SISTER ALVARI!" I probably scared her when I ran towards her, cheering, and gave her a huge hug. I loved her the second I found out she was my companion.

Sister Alvari and I get along really well. She is pretty awesome and we have so much in common! I really needed to have someone like her. I am more than ecstatic to have the privilege of being her companion and trainer! I think we are bff's because I was in her shoes only 6 weeks ago, so we have a lot of fun being newbies together. I know exactly what she SEE THE BEACH. So I took her to see the beautiful beaches of Encinitas. And...on her very first day here, someone committed to be baptized in the first lesson! Pretty awesome.

Sister Alvari has been having a pretty hard time adjusting to missionary life and is missing home A LOT, so we have had so much support in the past week! We met with the President 3 times, zone leaders, district leaders, sisters from different areas, and we even had a sleepover with the STL's! (It's not every day that you get to have a sleepover with the sister training leaders). I gotta say, I love my mission family. I'm so grateful for the relationship that we have with our new President, President Thomas. We love him.

Lastly, remember Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." I know that I can't do this on my own, I NEED the Lord and to put my trust in Him. If we trust the Savior, and align our will with His, we will be happy and exceedingly blessed!

GOD BLESS. love y'all.

Thursday was "Macaroni Day" (which is Sis. A's favorite food). #celebrate

I saw Sis. Daley & Elder Barclay!!! >some of my fav. peeps from the MTC.

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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