Hey guys,
I just received THEE BEST email from my sister Allison that said,
"This morning mom woke me up and asked me if I wanted to go Pokemon
hunting with her..." Oh my goodness. That is something...haha. According
one of the elders in our mission, the temple is actually a Pokémon gym?
"Hello want to hear our message?" "No thanks." "Well, I know where the
Pokémon jackpot is..."
>>Gotta convert the people some how right? haha.
I heard Antelope Island is on fire?!! 14,370 acres to be exact.
That is so sad! THOSE POOR BUFFALO!!! I hope everyone is okay; that
place is like 5 min. from our house in Syracuse! On that happy note...
This week has been a miraculous one. We went on exchanges with the
STL's which was super fun. I lead the area with Sister Jones(aka Lisa,
or Rapunzel) and we helped out at a wedding reception. The best part is
all the singing & dancing that went on. A couple sang "I see the
light," from Tangled, came on and I told Sister Jones to go join
them...she didn't. We were in charge of the waffle table and setting up
the sweets bar. I got so artsy with it which was fun. Being at that
reception was another way to celebrate my best friend's special day
(Jacqueline got MARRIED on the same day- July 23rd!!!). I was sad to be
missing out on my best friend's wedding but I'm glad we could celebrate
some way. (:
We picked up a new investigator named Tiffany. She's a beautiful 21
year old blonde girl, who already looks like a Mormon. She says that
she follows a lot of "Mormon mom bloggers" and she admires the family in
our church.
We've been seeing Gosia a lot this week. At first, she was thinking
about moving back home to Poland. Her parents are starting to get
suspicious (they don't know she is Mormon) and she doesn't want their
relationship to be ruined...they are anti-Mormons. But then someone told
her about LDS-Business College, so we helped her fill out the
application. Gosia invited me and Sister Larsen to come with her to her
PATRIARCHAL BLESSING! We were so happy that we could come support her.
Let me tell you, it was a sacred experience that we will never forget.
While she was getting her blessing, I felt an overwhelming amount of
love for Gosia. But it was a different love. I truly felt an
understanding of how much her Heavenly Father loves her! It was
miraculous. After the blessing she said, "That was deep."
She said that Bishop talked to her about her choice of clothing.
Being a recent convert from a different culture, Gosia didn't exactly
dress modestly. She told us, "I don't have Mormon clothes." Thankfully
our STL's gave bags & bags of missionary hand-me-downs, and we let
Gosia splurge through it. haha. We were laughing so hard as she searched
through the clothes saying, "I would never pay even $3 for a Mormon
sweater like this," or "Oh my gosh! Look at this Mormon skirt!!" It was
hilarious. Especially with her Polish accent. hahah.
I've been reading through the 2016 General Conference Ensign and
studying some of my favorite talks. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the talk by Dieter
F. Uchtdorf titled, "He Will Place You On His Shoulders & Carry You
Home." I love the story of the building is Dresdin; it was completely
restored out of some of the debri into a beautiful house of worship. My
favorite quote is,
"The moment we choose to incline our hearts to our beloved Savior
& set foot upon the path of discipleship, something miraculous
happens. The love of God fills our hearts, the light of truth fills our
minds, we start to lose the desire to sin, & we do not want to walk
any longer in darkness." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I've been saying "miraculous" a lot in this email, but you know
what, there are miracles happening every day. Sometimes we don't see
them, but they are there, even right in front of us. But when come unto
Christ will full purpose of heart, it will be easier to see all the
tender mercies he sends us. "When upon life's billows you are tempest
tossed, when you are discouraged thinking all is lost, count your many
blessing name them one by one! Count your blessings see what God has
Read 2 Nephi 4:15-25. It's my favorite right now.
1&2) Just before GOSIA got her patriarchal blessing. (:
3) Brother Smith (in the bishopric) took a pic of us with his
surfboard so he could send it to our mission president. lol. >>on
the beach for ward volleyball. WE DIDN'T STEP ON THE SAND.
4) this is Adam, a guy with crazy pants.
5) when they spell your name tag wrong..."Sister Skarelund." (I've
never got that one before). I guess I'm a pretty "skarey" missionary.
6) sorry for bad lighting: here's me & Sister Jones (Rapunzel).
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States