Monday, May 23, 2016

Only One Day Left at the MTC

Hi family. You're probably wondering why you are getting an email from me on Sunday. President Harris said that we should email you today because we can't on Tuesday. This is because we will be traveling to California and starting right off the bat that day in the mission field! Sorry I can't concentrate right now because I'm listening to a sister from South Africa talk. I LOVE ACCENTS! She has an awesome English accent, soooo fascinating. lol. She's trying to do an American accents and it's hilarious. And she's laughing at me because I love talking in an English accent. Oh how fun. I have seen a lot of people here with accents! Some barely even speak english.

Anyways, this week has gone by extremely fast! It's crazy to think that I'll be leaving in basically a day. Only a day left at the MTC with my best friends! I'm going to miss my district more than you can even comprehend. They are my family. Yesterday was pretty hard for me because we went on exchanges with people completely out of our zone. I exchanged with a sister, Sister Winward, who is called to serve in the Washington D.C. South mission. We had to be with different companions all day, and let me tell ya, I really missed Sister Andrew and my whole district. Although I missed them tons, Sister Winward and I taught an amazing lesson with Sarina! It was our first time teaching together and I say we did pretty fabulous. We committed her to be baptized on July 24th! So exciting! Anywho, I gotta go to relief society. I'm sorry this is so short and there is no pictures. Next time I talk to you, I'll be in California!!

LOVE YOU ALL!! Black heart (cards) Black heart (cards)

MOM! I'll be calling you at the SLC airport on Tuesday morning. Probably around 7ish? Not sure. But you should be expecting a phone call from me.

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