These are some of the things I wrote in my journal throughout the week:
Goodness gracious today was a fabulous day. Our lesson with Taylor went
great! Her faith is increasing, she's praying, and reading the BofM! I
love that beautiful girl so much and I am so proud that she is following
her commitments and coming closer to Christ. Next up: Leah. At first,
Sister Andrew and I did not want to go back to visit her; in fact, we
dreaded it. But, this time we walked in with a positive attitude and to
see Leah as God sees her. We skipped out of that lesson afterwards with
smiles and an incredible amount of love for her; we were on cloud 9.
It's because we FORGOT ourselves and loved her.
Also, the
other district in our zone arrived at the MTC today (their 1st day), and
we had a lot of fun getting to know them. It's crazy to see how fast we
progressed and became the older/experienced missionaries, who are
already helping out newbies. It seems like yesterday, when I walked into
the MTC with butterflies, and all sorts of anxious feelings. It was a
great day. God loves His children!
Thursday- I'm
so tired, I don't really remember how today went. We met with Leah
today and she played the piano/sang for us! She is a beautiful singer!
Then she transposed a hymn for us in the hymnbook so that I could play
it on the guitar. Seriously, she is so talented. Sister A and I sang her
a few hymns which quickly brought the spirit into the room. Leah
actually let us share a scripture with her and listened to us bear our
testimonies of God's love! It wasn't much, but it was something. One of
our teachers told us that sometimes it is good to teach without using
words. Some of the greatest lessons are when we can teach Leah by our
actions, and what we DO to make her feel God's love. We have done this
by sharing experiences, talking about our life/family, singing with her,
and even hanging up pictures for her "(rearranging her room haha).
Because Leah is overweight in pain, she is limited to do certain things,
so that's one of the reasons why we help her so much. I'm so grateful
for music and how we were able to connect with Leah through it. I even
sang Leah my song that I wrote, "Country Romance." She loved it and told
me that my song will be on Kid's Bop one day. LOL. thanks Leah. We are
always laughing with Leah. I LOVE LEAH & I'm sad to say goodbye to
Friday- Today was our last day
teaching Taylor and Leah. We are going to miss them like crazy. During
personal/companion study, we took a break and laughed harder than we
have ever laughed together. We were literally laughing in the fetal
position and bawling our eyes out: all of us. It was a great
district-bonding moment. Elder Allen & Elder Brandt gave my
companion, Sister Andrew, a priesthood blessing which she really needed.
I was able to go in the room with her and hear the blessing. I'm so
grateful for the Elders in our district and for honoring their
priesthood authority. They truly listen to the spirit all the
time...even in role-plays. I love them so much and I'll miss them when
they go off to Saint Louis!
Sunday- Sister
Andrew and I taught a lesson in relief society today. I thought it went
very well and I'm sure that everyone in the room felt God's love. I
love teaching!
Monday- For exercise
today, Sister Jackson and I played "knock-out," a basketball game if you
weren't familiar with it. We played with the Elders in our district
(the other sisters didn't come), and also with a few others in the gym. I
got an Elder out with a "swish" and he seemed a little upset and walked
out of the game completely. lol. I'm too intimidating, or too good I
guess. But guess what? Immediately after that, I made buckets again and
got Elder Allen out. And he quit the game too! CUZ IM A BOSS! haha. jk
it was literally luck. anyways that was funny.
I'm doing great at the MTC. I love it and I'm seriously going to miss
it so much. Although I'm sad to say goodbye to my friends, I'm excited
to go to the mission field in just 6 short days. I can't wait to love
the people of California! This church really does bring so many
blessings and miracles! We must be truly converted, then we will
recognize that God loves us more than we could ever imagine. I have
never felt God's love as much as I do now. Christ's atonement was the
most majestic manifestation of love.
ALL. Have a great week. And don't be afraid to write me or send me
pictures! I don't have much time to reply to all of you, but I love
reading your emails! Oh, and snail-mail is always fun too! Try it
through dearelder.com. xoxoxo
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