Tuesday, May 31, 2016

First Week in California

Hey hey hey, it's Sister Skabelund.

WHAT'S UP FAMILY?! I've been in the mission field for exactly a week & let me tell ya, it's been real challenging. I left the MTC with my Cali-district at 3:50am on Tuesday. It must have been the nerves mixed with motion sickness...because I got pretty darn sick. Hey! At least I can say that I've thrown up on a train before (I threw up on the front-runner on the way to SLC airport). So that was a fun experience, but I'm happy I was able to talk to my family on the pay-phones (on the other side of the airport) and have the window seat! (:

We arrived at the mission office in Vista and ate our first "California Burrito," which later I regretted eating. We sadly bid our quick goodbyes to each other, as we were handed off to our new companions. My companion is Sister Palmer from Rexburg, Idaho. This is her second time being a trainer, and she's pretty cool. We are staying at a member's home (Sister Trout, a 70-something year old lady), and we are serving in the Torrey Pines YSA ward. Everyone keeps saying that President Kendrick knows I'm an amazing missionary because he sent me to one of the hardest areas (but the best ward). He told me I'm going to be a "superstar missionary." It is very difficult finding YSA girls to teach, let alone anyone to teach, but things are going to get better! Since we are limited to only young single adults, we have a car (because the YSA's are so spread out). As you know, I get very motion sick...but Sister Chiou gave me some essential oils that are supposed to help.

Oh here is something crazy: My first Sunday in the mission field, we were just greeting everybody for sacrament and what do you know...in walks Jake Boyd! Last time I saw him, he was an elder serving in my ward in Oregon! He looks a little different though, like a cali-beach-boy now or something. Or as Sister Palmer would say, "a beach bum." Lol. It's okay, he's rocking the longer hair and the scruff. Love that guy! Oh and my MTC teacher's girlfriend is in my ward. Small world.

I keep telling everyone welcoming me that I feel like I'm on an island, not California. It's weird adjusting to all the palm trees, mockingbirds, a big jungle-like plants everywhere. It legit feels like I am serving in a jungle sometimes, haha. Oh and it's cool seeing the ocean and stuff, I live pretty close, but we can't step on the sand sadly. The work is pretty slow, but that is when we need to rely on the Lord's help the most. We can't ever give up. I've learned so much from the mission field and I've only been out for a week. Honestly, it's been really hard. The struggle is real as Allison would say haha. But really though, this is the hardest thing I have ever done. It's hard when you don't know the area or the people very well. It's hard being new. "Embrace being the greenie. Enjoy being new!" Sister Palmer tells me that every day.

I got extremely tear-eyed when I read Maddy Pattie's sacrament talk! Aww I miss cuddling with that sweet lil sister of mine. I miss all of you! Just so you know, I brought "Sir Orrick" with me... and he's about the closest thing I have to you guys. Oh and I've got a picture of the family that I carry with me wherever I go. I've actually shown it to a bunch of people, it's fun when they can connect with through pictures. Speaking of pictures, I don't know if I'm able to send you any... I'M SORRY! For some reason my card reader isn't uploading the pictures. 😖

Please please keep up the pictures! I love getting pictures from you! My address is at the end of this email! Remember: HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES YOU! He has a plan for you. Don't forget to pray every day and read your scriptures. He has so much in store for you and you are precious to him. "Feast upon the words of Christ. For behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things which ye should do." 2 Ne 32:3

LOVE YOU ALL. xoxoxo.

P.S. this is the only picture I could get. This is my MTC teacher's girlfriend, Elise Millward. She took this picture in the middle of institute when she found out he was my teacher. lol. Oh and the girl on the left is my companion, Sister Palmer.


♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

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