Hi there from Lexie
This Tuesday we had a "testimony district meeting," and a training on testifying. It was a very special experience to hear all the incredible testimonies of the missionaries in my district. Each of us got up and testified of the reasons we came on a mission, what has been the most difficult challenge on our missions, and what is something that we have learned. Even though testifying is something we do every day, I was very nervous to go up and share my own personal experiences (because honestly, I'm a bawl-baby when I share my testimony). But I'm glad that I could share my simple testimony with them. It was really great to hear Elder Pierce's testimony. He is a very quiet, shy guy but his testimony is one of the most powerful testimonies I have heard. As he was telling of his experiences, it felt as though Jesus Christ was talking directly to me. He has gone through some similar difficulties that I have gone through on my mission; I could relate. His testimony is something I really needed to hear that day!
I testify that when you share your own testimony with others, you will make a difference. IT STARTS WITH YOU. Opening your mouth and sharing simple truths with others can make a huge impact. If you want to see a change in the world, it starts with you. If you want to make a difference in someone's life or your own life, it start with you. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." This reminds me of our new ward mission plan, which is one word: INVITE. As a ward mission, we chose the word "invite" because that is our purpose not only as missionaries but as disciples of Jesus Christ...to "INVITE others to come unto Christ." We don't force or manipulate others to come unto Christ, we simply invite them.
In President Uchtdorf's talk, we learn that fear is the opposite of faith. Sometimes it is scary to share the gospel. We are afraid of rejection, losing a friendship, offending someone, or have a fear of not knowing what to say. It is our fear that stops us from inviting. Fear is the opposite of love. When we are filled with love towards our friends and family, we don't need to worry what to say or what they will think. When we invite with love, just like the Savior did, we can have confidence that the Lord will be with us and help us bring others unto him. Sister Watson says, "We are not inviting these people to come to church or activities...well we are, but in the grand scheme we are inviting this people to come unto Christ." And sometimes we won't always get the respond we want, and maybe the reject your invitation but remember that "the SUCCESS IS IN THE INVITATION."
I want all of you to watch this video, it is Elder Bednar talking about an experience when he was the President of BYU-I. As you are watching it, I want to be thinking about a person that you can invite, to whatever it is that you feel inspired to invite them to. THINK OF ONE PERSON. And think of one person you can invite to do the same. Watch the video here>> INVITE THE ONE. I know that as reach out to those around us and invite, we will see miracles, our families will be blessed, and we will develop a stronger love for the Savior. We will see a change in ourselves, and we will make a difference.
GO INVITE THE ONE. go find them, and invite others to do the same!
The highlights of my week were when I got to Skype home and also, we went to Carlsbad for JoJo's baptism! I really missed the ocean!
-- pics
we got lost and found a trex.
happy at the ocean.
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
This Tuesday we had a "testimony district meeting," and a training on testifying. It was a very special experience to hear all the incredible testimonies of the missionaries in my district. Each of us got up and testified of the reasons we came on a mission, what has been the most difficult challenge on our missions, and what is something that we have learned. Even though testifying is something we do every day, I was very nervous to go up and share my own personal experiences (because honestly, I'm a bawl-baby when I share my testimony). But I'm glad that I could share my simple testimony with them. It was really great to hear Elder Pierce's testimony. He is a very quiet, shy guy but his testimony is one of the most powerful testimonies I have heard. As he was telling of his experiences, it felt as though Jesus Christ was talking directly to me. He has gone through some similar difficulties that I have gone through on my mission; I could relate. His testimony is something I really needed to hear that day!
I testify that when you share your own testimony with others, you will make a difference. IT STARTS WITH YOU. Opening your mouth and sharing simple truths with others can make a huge impact. If you want to see a change in the world, it starts with you. If you want to make a difference in someone's life or your own life, it start with you. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." This reminds me of our new ward mission plan, which is one word: INVITE. As a ward mission, we chose the word "invite" because that is our purpose not only as missionaries but as disciples of Jesus Christ...to "INVITE others to come unto Christ." We don't force or manipulate others to come unto Christ, we simply invite them.
In President Uchtdorf's talk, we learn that fear is the opposite of faith. Sometimes it is scary to share the gospel. We are afraid of rejection, losing a friendship, offending someone, or have a fear of not knowing what to say. It is our fear that stops us from inviting. Fear is the opposite of love. When we are filled with love towards our friends and family, we don't need to worry what to say or what they will think. When we invite with love, just like the Savior did, we can have confidence that the Lord will be with us and help us bring others unto him. Sister Watson says, "We are not inviting these people to come to church or activities...well we are, but in the grand scheme we are inviting this people to come unto Christ." And sometimes we won't always get the respond we want, and maybe the reject your invitation but remember that "the SUCCESS IS IN THE INVITATION."
I want all of you to watch this video, it is Elder Bednar talking about an experience when he was the President of BYU-I. As you are watching it, I want to be thinking about a person that you can invite, to whatever it is that you feel inspired to invite them to. THINK OF ONE PERSON. And think of one person you can invite to do the same. Watch the video here>> INVITE THE ONE. I know that as reach out to those around us and invite, we will see miracles, our families will be blessed, and we will develop a stronger love for the Savior. We will see a change in ourselves, and we will make a difference.
GO INVITE THE ONE. go find them, and invite others to do the same!
The highlights of my week were when I got to Skype home and also, we went to Carlsbad for JoJo's baptism! I really missed the ocean!
-- pics
we got lost and found a trex.
happy at the ocean.

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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