is better to be standing 10 feet from Hell and walking away from it,
than to be 1,000 feet from Hell and walking towards it," Stake President
McMaster. I know that whatever our past is like or whatever
circumstances we are in, there is one thing that will not change: our
divine nature as children of God. Do you ever ponder this statement, "I
am child of God"? You are a special son or daughter of a Heavenly
Father. He loves you. On Sunday, President McMaster pleaded with us to
"Remember who you are." He told us of the story in Lion King, when Simba
looks into the water at his reflection. Simba forgot who he was, he
forgot his divine heritage, and he forgot that he was the son of
Mufassa- a royal king. I invite you to look at your own reflection and
to remember who you are, a son or daughter of God- a Royal King.
We received a text from someone in the ward that Jennifer was in the hospital! With panic overwhelming us, we called Jennifer immediately. She didn't respond and we were very worried. Thankfully we were able to get a hold of someone who had more information about what happened. Around 3am Sunday morning, Jennifer was sitting alone in her room contemplating suicide. Thankfully, in that fear moment, she called a suicide prevention hotline. The cops came, handcuffed her, and took her to the hospital. She was then transferred to a mental hospital, where she said she prayed and prayed. Her own prayers helped her to return home later that morning. There are moments like these where Satan tries everything he can to get you to forget your self worth and divinity as a child of God. Satan and his followers will try to deceive you and dissuade you from your chances of eternal life!
DON'T FORGET! Please do not forget how important you are in the sight of God. Don't forget how much Heavenly Father loves and cares about you. Not for one second. Don't even think about it. And if you do, PRAY. Pray with everything in you that you will remember who you are.
There is no greater joy, that I can think of, than the joy of sharing the gospel. Being a missionary brings me so much joy. On March 18th, 2017, we watched Rylee enter the waters of baptism. I can't tell you how happy I was to see this beautiful daughter of God covenanting with the Father. There were huge smiles all around. Rylee brings so much joy to me and to all those around her. Thankfully Rylee's mom, Lauren, was able to come and support her in this life-changing step. After the baptism, we asked Lauren if she would like to take the missionary discussions. Her eyes swelled up with tears and she replied, "Not right now. I am angry with God." Choking back her grief, Lauren told us that her husband passed away just last September. Sister Duering and I testified of the Plan of Salvation and the Christ understands her completely. Then something miraculous happened. Rylee exclaimed with all the joy inside her, "Mom! I can go to the temple and help him to be baptized!"
The next day, we had a missionary fireside taught by me and Sister Duering, as well as the elders. We taught about having the shield of faith to protect us against the adversary's fiery darts. I'm grateful that I was able to quote Joseph Smith's experience in the grove of trees...not only the first vision, but also the part that maybe some of us forget (JSH 1:15-17). Joseph was tempted by Satan. His tongue was bound so that he could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around him and he seemed as if he were doomed to sudden destruction and despair. But like Jennifer, he kept praying. He did in fact see a light. He saw a light over the brightness of the sun exactly over his head! Joseph said, "I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said pointing to the other: 'This is my Beloved Son, hear Him'!"
I will never forget what happened next. Sister Duering and Elder Wilde got up and sang Joseph Smiths First Prayer. They sounded like angels. During the musical number, Rylee leaned over to me with tears in her eyes and asked, "Can I go up and share my story of faith?" After the glorious song, Rylee stood up and bore her testimony of the gospel. When she did, the room was silent and still. The spirit was the most incredible feeling ever. She said that Joseph's experience really touched her. She knew that when she was in the darkest moments of her life, God had saved her and guided her to the light. Prayer has given her faith and hope. I love Rylee Johnson. I am beyond grateful for the miracle of finding her.
When you feel lost, confused, ashamed, or afraid, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! You are precious child of God.
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
We received a text from someone in the ward that Jennifer was in the hospital! With panic overwhelming us, we called Jennifer immediately. She didn't respond and we were very worried. Thankfully we were able to get a hold of someone who had more information about what happened. Around 3am Sunday morning, Jennifer was sitting alone in her room contemplating suicide. Thankfully, in that fear moment, she called a suicide prevention hotline. The cops came, handcuffed her, and took her to the hospital. She was then transferred to a mental hospital, where she said she prayed and prayed. Her own prayers helped her to return home later that morning. There are moments like these where Satan tries everything he can to get you to forget your self worth and divinity as a child of God. Satan and his followers will try to deceive you and dissuade you from your chances of eternal life!
DON'T FORGET! Please do not forget how important you are in the sight of God. Don't forget how much Heavenly Father loves and cares about you. Not for one second. Don't even think about it. And if you do, PRAY. Pray with everything in you that you will remember who you are.
There is no greater joy, that I can think of, than the joy of sharing the gospel. Being a missionary brings me so much joy. On March 18th, 2017, we watched Rylee enter the waters of baptism. I can't tell you how happy I was to see this beautiful daughter of God covenanting with the Father. There were huge smiles all around. Rylee brings so much joy to me and to all those around her. Thankfully Rylee's mom, Lauren, was able to come and support her in this life-changing step. After the baptism, we asked Lauren if she would like to take the missionary discussions. Her eyes swelled up with tears and she replied, "Not right now. I am angry with God." Choking back her grief, Lauren told us that her husband passed away just last September. Sister Duering and I testified of the Plan of Salvation and the Christ understands her completely. Then something miraculous happened. Rylee exclaimed with all the joy inside her, "Mom! I can go to the temple and help him to be baptized!"
The next day, we had a missionary fireside taught by me and Sister Duering, as well as the elders. We taught about having the shield of faith to protect us against the adversary's fiery darts. I'm grateful that I was able to quote Joseph Smith's experience in the grove of trees...not only the first vision, but also the part that maybe some of us forget (JSH 1:15-17). Joseph was tempted by Satan. His tongue was bound so that he could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around him and he seemed as if he were doomed to sudden destruction and despair. But like Jennifer, he kept praying. He did in fact see a light. He saw a light over the brightness of the sun exactly over his head! Joseph said, "I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said pointing to the other: 'This is my Beloved Son, hear Him'!"
I will never forget what happened next. Sister Duering and Elder Wilde got up and sang Joseph Smiths First Prayer. They sounded like angels. During the musical number, Rylee leaned over to me with tears in her eyes and asked, "Can I go up and share my story of faith?" After the glorious song, Rylee stood up and bore her testimony of the gospel. When she did, the room was silent and still. The spirit was the most incredible feeling ever. She said that Joseph's experience really touched her. She knew that when she was in the darkest moments of her life, God had saved her and guided her to the light. Prayer has given her faith and hope. I love Rylee Johnson. I am beyond grateful for the miracle of finding her.
When you feel lost, confused, ashamed, or afraid, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! You are precious child of God.

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States
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