Monday, February 27, 2017

IM 20!!

I'M 20
This week was crazy. We saw so many miracles despite the changes in what we planned. Turns out that Jennifer did not get baptized on Saturday. She still wants to be baptized but she needs more time to make this commitment. We have been visiting Jennifer every single day to help her feel the spirit and strengthen her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She didn't feel like coming to church this Sunday but she came! I'm so grateful for what she told us afterward. She said that this Sunday was one of her best experiences at church that she ever had! Jennifer said she felt the love from every member and she felt the spirit so strong. We had the opportunity to teach Relief Society this Sunday and we kinda put Jennifer on the spot. We called her up to sit in a chair and we tried to lift her up (literally). Then we called up the relief society presidency, then all of the sisters to help us lift her up high in the air. We taught them that we need the help of every member! President Thomas S. Monson said that "Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together." Rylee also came to church and although she was very nervous and overwhelmed, she LOVED it. She leaned over to me and Sister Duering saying, "Sisters, I am so happy!" The gospel brings joy!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! It has been a great!
I know that the gospel can heal us. Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. If we are ever feeling unhappy, stressed, or alone, CALL UPON THE LORD. Prayer is real. If you pray for desire, keep the commandments, pray for inspiration, and COURAGEOUSLY share the gospel, you will see miracles. It is so important to share our light with others. There are others out there who truly need the gospel. Reach out to them!! Share the joy that you feel with them. I testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet who did in fact see God the Father and Jesus Christ. He got on his knees and prayed out loud. He took a simple step of faith, he courageously acted. I know that we can do the same thing. We are loved. We are children of God. We can make a difference.
Remember to:
I love you all.
Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Monday, February 20, 2017

I got a pickle, I got a pickle, I got a pickle, hey hey hey hey

This week at Zone Conference, President Thomas shared one of his precious memories of when he pickled cucumbers as a kid. He was so amazed when he heard this talk by Elder Bednar because he connected with it so well. We discussed the importance of having our investigators be completely and totally immersed in the gospel. Not one foot in and one foot out, but experiencing the complete conversion. Conversion, like the steps of becoming a pickle, does not happen over night. It takes time, diligence, and faith. President and Sister Thomas even gave each companionship a huge jar of pickles to remind us of the importance of our conversion!
"A cucumber becomes a pickle as it is prepared and cleaned, immersed in and saturated with salt brine, and sealed in a sterilized container. This procedure requires time and cannot be hurried, and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided. My beloved brothers and sisters, I pray this parable of the pickle may help us to evaluate our lives and to better understand the eternal importance of spiritual rebirth. I witness the reality and divinity of a living Savior who invites us to come unto Him and be transformed. Through faith in Christ, we can be spiritually prepared and cleansed from sin, immersed in and saturated with His gospel, and purified and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise- even born again" Elder David A. Bednar "Ye Must Be Born Again" May 2007.
I had an awesome experience this week! On Wednesday morning, I prayed that we would be able to hand out a Book of Mormon and share the restoration with someone who needs it that day. I had never prayed for something specific like that before. At lunch time, Sister Duering suggested that we have a picnic at the "Hasta La Vista Park," and I exclaimed that that is a great idea! Immediately after getting out of the car, the spirit guided me to open the trunk and grab an extra Book of Mormon. Just seconds after, we were greeted by a yappy chihuahua and his friend Jermell. He was kind and willing to hear our message. As we testified of the blessings of the restoration, he listened intently and asked us sincere questions. He didn't want to give us his number or address but he wanted to keep the Book of Mormon. I hope that he will come in contact with missionaries again! That was a great experience for us!
We also found another little miracle and her name is Rylee. Rylee came up to the sisters booth at MeraCosta College and was seeking truth. We picked her up as an investigator a few days later and have found so much joy in teaching her! Rylee is definitely very unique. She has gone through a lot of hard things in the past and wonders whats the point of even living. She has attempted suicide before, has a baby at a very young age, suffers depression, and just needs peace. "Something told me to talk to you sisters, and I hope you can help me," she said as were teaching her the Plan of Salvation. I know that this is what she needs. She needs the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and of the Saviors atoning sacrafice for her. She needs to know that she is here on earth for a reason, she is important and precious in God's eyes.
I love sharing the gospel, it brings me so much joy! If you read anything from my email, read this: I KNOW THAT CHRIST LIVES! HE LOVES YOU! YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE ENABLING POWER OF HIS ATONEMENT IN YOUR LIFE.
-- p.s. it was raining so hard. the storm was actually called "Lucifer."
Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Monday, February 13, 2017

Hey Yall!

Soo hey yall. The sound of the water running in the font is a great sound. After searching through "secret tunnels" in the sketchy Escondido church buildings (the Washington building in particular) we finally found a white jumper that would fit Marilyn. We showed up to the Bear Valley building a couple hours early to set up for Marilyn's baptism...we were so excited and smiling from ear to ear. This was such a special day for Marilyn.
It was already ten minutes past 5:00pm and there were still a ton of people filing in. We had to move to the chapel!! There were so many people there in support of Marilyn and her boyfriend Chandler (the one baptizing her). This was Chandlers first time baptizing anyone (they're both 18) and he was extremely nervous. To top it off, he forgot to bring a white suit, so we quickly went in search for a suit his size. Turns out there wasn't one his size, so he had to wear a ginormous suit but it worked out. Marilyn was baptized two times because of a mistake, but hey, double the blessings...I was baptized twice too.
We all felt the spirit so strongly. Especially when we were able to share the Restoration with all her friends and family. I love it when we can testify of the fullness of the gospel. This was my first time doing it at a baptism; it was very special. Marilyn is the only member in her family, but her parents and sister came! I know that they felt the spirit!
Our investigator, Jennifer, is ready to get dipped on the 25th! We are so excited for her. She came to Marilyn's baptism and said that she can't wait for her own baptism! She was a little scared to tell her whole family that she is going to be baptized, but she has so much faith and love for the gospel. I know that she can do anything with that testimony of hers! It's so cool to see her growth not only in the gospel, but as a person. She is much happier! I can see it. Jennifer is such an amazing missionary already. And she's only been investigating for three weeks! She was so good at helping Rebecca feel comfortable at church.
YES. Rebecca came to church for the first time on Sunday! Our investigator was fellow-shipping our other investigator. It was awesome. "Do you have any questions? Did you like the sacrament? How are you doing so far?" are some of the questions that Jennifer was asking Becca. Becca responded that it is very weird and still something to get used to. Quickly, Jennifer told her that that's exactly how she felt when she first came to church! "But it gets better, it gets easier!" said Jennifer. I'm so grateful. Rebecca stayed for ALL three hours! During Sunday school, Becca was reading ahead in the gospel principles book and studying all the footnotes. She even had to borrow my triple combination so that she could look up scriptures in D&C. Rebecca has strong desire to learn.
Becca grew up being an atheist and not believing in hardly anything. Her faith has grown incredibly over the past two weeks. After teaching her the Plan of Salvation, she was filled with peace and even said that she would be willing to be baptized when she receives the truth! Becca is preparing herself to be baptized on March 4th! This is a miracle. Although she knows very little about the gospel, very little about Jesus Christ, and about this church, she has faith that she will receive an answer to her prayers. YES. She prayed! I love her so much and I know for a fact that Heavenly Father loves her.
Also, we met an awesome girl in our complex named Allie. She is actually a member but her entire family is less active. She let us come in and get to know her a little more. After teaching her the restoration, Allie asked us if we could come over every other day to read the Book of Mormon with her! "I know that this church is true, but if you asked me what my testimony is, I couldn't tell you. I don't know hardly anything, but I know it is true," she said. She feels the spirit when we come over and she misses that feeling. Allie wants to come back to church and to learn more about the gospel. I'm so grateful for that cute girl. I love hear already and I know that we will be best friends after the mission.
Anyways, it was a great week.
Remember this:
"19 And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.
20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
21 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." - 2 Nephi 31:19-21
ps. the cute curly hair girl is Marilyn, right after her baptism!
and this is our group at FHE, we made spider man out of tape. each part of spider man includes a part of us. (MY feet, Rebecca's leg & waist, kid's head, Sis Duering's neck, Zion's arm, Jack's butt & arm). lol fun stuff.
Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

Monday, February 6, 2017

Half Way Mark!

It was really hard to leave Murrieta, but I love my new area!...Palomar YSA.
Sister Traci Rodriguez (my mom of the mission) drove me down for transfers. I'm so happy that she, being one of my favorite people, could take me to my new area. It almost felt like she was dropping me off at college or something, she agreed.
Sister Duering is my new favorite companion. She is a happy, energetic theater girl in a nutshell. I love her guts. On our very first night as companions, we taught our investigator Jennifer, without having practiced together. And we taught in so much unity!! That is something that I have struggled with on my mission...being unified with my companion. But Sister Duering and I have so much unity, which is so important in the work! Not only is she an incredible teacher with a unbelievable testimony, but she is LIGHT! If you ever need some joy and happiness in your life, come into the same room as Sister Duering; you WILL smile. She makes me laugh all the time and helps me to stay positive and happy every single day. I'm glad she is my companion.
I am super blessed to have jumped into an area with already 7 investigators, which is totally opposite of what I am used to! Marilyn is getting baptized this weekend, on the 11th! It was such a great feeling to see her after she passed her baptismal interview! Her eyes were filled with tears and she had a huge smile on her face! I could see the light and joy in her eyes! This is the joy that I want all of God's children to have. I also saw it as we were teaching Jennifer. She knows that this is the truth. She knows that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. She knows that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that Joseph Smith really did see both the Father and the Son. She know it's true and so do I.
Jennifer isn't even a member yet and she is already a bomb missionary. Although she love love loves coffee, she was so quick to quit drinking it after we taught her the word of wisdom! She is sharing her testimony with her parents and has a huge impact on her twin sister. Even though her sister isn't interested in investigating, Jennifer has influenced her to pray! She was so excited to tell us that she prayed with her sister and they both felt the spirit! I love her so much!
Rebecca, our other investigator, came to the Moore family baptism on Saturday. She had a lot of questions, and thought the baptism was really long, but we think she really enjoyed it! Rebecca is struggling right now with drugs and alcohol. On Sunday, Rebecca didn't come to church because she was going through a really rough time. She told us, over text, that she is ashamed, sad, and alone. We went over that night and "heart attacked" her door and gave her some cupcakes. She loved it. She says that she is atheist, but we know that somewhere deep inside her, she believes. She is willing to do what it takes to receive an answer. She said that she is coming to Family Home Evening tonight! We are excited!
Anyways, I am doing very well. The ward is great. I love being missionary.
Love ya.
ps...sorry so many pics.
-what is this statue? can you tell me?
-we got ice cream for my 9 month mark <<halfway done
-went on a district hike this mornin
Sister Alexis Skabelund
451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States