Monday, November 14, 2016

Zoggy to Foggy

Dear loved ones,
I wish to write you a time-consuming rap about my new companion, Sister Fogg (I am Dr. Seuss).

"I said goodbye to Sister Zoggy,
my eyes got all wet and soggy.
Look out, here comes the Fogg,
oh wait, that's my companion...Sister Foggy.
People call her Froggy, but that's not her name.
Here is a pic of Sister Fogg with a Dog.
I love the Fogg."

Inline image 1

It's gettin foggy up in here...(jk I wish. It's 95 degrees right now in NOV.)
but new companion's name is SISTER FOGG. I'm pretty sure President Thomas assigned me to train Sis. Fogg just because it rhymes with Sis. Zogg. Just kidding, I LOVE SISTER FOGG. She is a hilarious human being. She is from Homedale, Idaho and plays the piccolo. She played the piccolo AND the flute in the Boise State stuff.

I am incredibly grateful for President Thomas and the light that he carries with him. I'm grateful that he has blessed me with the privilege of training another new missionary. You would think that training is not fun, but after being trained and training others my whole mission...I have acquired a love for greenie fire.

 On Veterans day, we went to walk through the field of flags to ponder and appreciate those who have served our country. This spirit was so strong and as we both looked at each other in the midst of the flags, we knew what to do next. "Let's say a prayer," I said to Sister Fogg. I'm grateful for the powerful words that came out of my companions mouth that night as she prayed. Just a few minutes after the prayer, we walked up to talk to security...a woman guarding the flags. Her name was Anja and she had never heard about our church before. Sister Fogg gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to read it (GO SISTER FOGG- 1st BOM she gave out). "Well I have to guard these flags for three more hours, I'll read this book in the meantime!" Anja said. I'm grateful for those moments when we get to testify of the restoration and the power of the Book of Mormon.

My favorite song of the week is called "I Can Do All Things," by Tanner Townsend.
"I can do all things, there's no mountain I can't climb, there's nothing I can't be. No matter how hard it may seem, I CAN DO ALL THINGS!" While listening to this song, I was reminded of my wonderful mom who always motivates and encourages me to do hard things. In Philippians 4:13 it reads, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Although they may be hard, I'm grateful for all the trials I have faced on my mission. They have helped humble me and realize my divine purpose as a missionary and as a daughter of God. 

I want to share an analogy that an elder included in his weekly email. Sister Fogg and I have been sharing it with members all week (Thanks Elder Taylor):

"Today I wish to inspire everyone to join in to this wonderful blessing of missionary work. 

To demonstrate the seriousness of this issue I wish to use an Analogy. Imagine that you have a best friend that is sick with a deathly illness. You have the medicine that would cure his illness. You have what he needs. Now if this was all true would you say.
- I don't have time to give him this medicine.
- What if he rejects the medicine that I offer?
- I don't want to bother him today?
- Someone else will get him the medicine!
No of course not. You would do all you could to get your friend the medicine. You would make many sacrifices to make sure you saved your friends life. The gospel is the medicine. However the issue is not Life or Death, it is of a more serious nature. The gospel is the key to your friends Salvation his eternal life depends upon if you share what he needs. 

Now I am not saying missionary work is easy.... I know that is true. How could we expect eternal salvation to be easy for us, when it was never easy for our savior Jesus Christ? However missionary work is possible! Sometimes we try and complicate it. We think missionary work must be this big thing.... All we need to do is open our mouths."

The scriptures tell us, "OPEN YOUR MOUTHS AND THEY SHALL BE FILLED, & YOU SHALL BECOME EVEN AS NEPHI OF OLD, who journeyed from Jerusalem in the wilderness" (D&C 33:8).
It is so important for us to share our testimonies of the restored gospel! I promise that if you have courage and share "the medicine" of the gospel, you're testimony and love for Jesus Christ will increase. You will desire to share it with everyone, and you will be surrounded with blessings from Heaven. Share your testimony with a friend this week. Tell them how important the Book of Mormon is to you. Tell them the knowledge you have of eternal families. Most importantly, express the gratitude you have for the Savior and his gospel with all those around you.

I love you all♥♥
have a blessed week.

- Happy Veterans Day! (The flags we walked through).
- we went to the Matson's for pday (mansions, gymn, lake, indoor pool, ziplines, pooltables, ballpits, raquetball room, theater, private zoo...etc.)
- Sis Fogg's 1st day on bikes...IT'S TOO HOT FOR WINTER

♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

451 W Bobier Dr
Vista CA 92083-1906
United States

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