Monday, November 7, 2016

Goodbye Sister Zogg

Hi loved ones,

I'm sad to say that Sister Zogg will be leaving me here in Murrieta; she is getting transferred to Felicita with Sister Andrew (my MTC companion) just as I predicted!! Sadly, her 12 week training has come to an end... WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? On Friday, I hit my six month mark! To my surprise, President Thomas has called me to train a new missionary once again! I will meet my companion, fresh from the MTC, tomorrow afternoon. I'm excited to see how this transfer goes!

It is finally November and we kicked it off with a great start. November 1st, we picked up a new investigator named Linda. After teaching her about the Book of Mormon, Sister Zogg said, "She seems like a really nice basher who is willing to take the lessons." Linda agreed to read the Book of Mormon, only if we agreed to hear a few Christian lessons from her. We will see how this goes... We were bummed to say goodbye to Ron, a recent-convert we have been teaching, who moved back to Boston. I hope we get to see him again, I love him! On Thursday, we taught our investigators Norma & Gabriela the restoration. They were so kind as to buy us ice cream afterwards. (: Then on Friday, all the greenies that came out with Sister to go to the Mormon Battalion in old town San Diego. It was really cool to go through the interactive museum! I'm grateful for the saints who were faithful to the Lord, traveling 2,000 miles to California, and leaving their families behind. You guys should go there and check it out!  

Saturday started off great when we were able to help the city put up 2,015 American flags for the Veterans Day Celebration! It was so cool to see all the flags surrounding. I'm proud to be an American. Even though our country has become a little crazy, and we don't have any good options for least I know I'm free. I'm grateful we are able to exercise our beliefs and have freedom of religion! Later, we taught a guy (Todd) whom we had never met before with Brother Wright. Todd completely took over the lesson by spitting out all his memorized Bible verses and basically bashing our beliefs. We were happy that Brother Wright was there to help us out, because we were completely confused. It is sad to see some of God's children be so hard-hearted and not receptive to the spirit. But afterwards, we received a text from Todd that deepened our appreciation of our visit with him. The text said, "I do apologize for dominating the conversation. I certainly need to be a better listener." We are hoping that he will feel the spirit work within him the next time we go over! There are people that aren't prepared, people that the Lord is preparing, and people that the Lord has already prepared to receive the gospel! Share your testimony with someone this week. Help God's children to find their way back home...they are searching and they are prepared!

I'm so grateful for these past two transfers that I could spend with Sister Zogg. I have loved being her trainer, her companion, but most importantly her sister. She is amazing and has a rock-solid testimony of the Savior and his atonement. I know that the Lord really does have a plan for each of us. I was reading my patriarchal blessing this morning and I recognized how much the Savior really does know and love us. On Sunday, Sister Zogg and I had the opportunity to teach a last-minute lesson in gospel principles on charity. I think that the teacher didn't show up for a reason...we really needed to teach that lesson. Charity is the pure love of Christ. Each person went around the room and shared experiences of when they have felt charity in their lives. Charity is different from love, it is something you cannot describe. I have felt charity the most on my mission. I felt charity when I looked through the eyes of our Heavenly Father and saw God's children as he see's them. It is indescribable. I have felt it for my companion, for Gosia (a recent-convert), for Ron, for my bishop, and even for the guy who was spitting scriptures in my face. 

And Oh my goodness, we were visiting Sadie and Maria yesterday (two old ladies that we love), and they fell asleep!! THEY WERE SNORING as we taught them the restoration. One minute they would be totally answering our questions and participating, the next, they were drowsing off to sleep. HILARIOUS. We were laughing so hard. "What do we do now?" said Sister Zogg as they were both snoring during our lesson.... HAHAHA.

I know that my Redeemer lives and loves me too.♥
I love you all!
♥ Sister Alexis Skabelund

- I love these cuties (Saylor and Kinley)
- Saying goodbye to Ron
- Pregnant for the third time
- studying on the plateau
- check out sleeping beauty

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